Thank you for your purchase of Skinny Fiber!! I am so EXCITED to - TopicsExpress


Thank you for your purchase of Skinny Fiber!! I am so EXCITED to be on this journey towards a new healthier body with you!! I am here for EVERYTHING that you need, so please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns! While you are waiting for your order to arrive, here are some advice I give to all of my new customers: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU START SKINNY FIBER: 1. Know your health issues. If you have some health conditions that require medication, please expect that it may take longer for you to lose weight. Reason being is that your body needs to be “reconditioned” and rebalanced before it will be READY to lose this extra weight. You may have some health issues that are causing you to be overweight and preventing you from losing weight quickly. In the beginning of starting your Skinny Fiber journey (only if you are “unhealthy”) you may consider taking 2 capsules 3x’s a day for 60 - 90 days before your biggest meals without fail. Otherwise, you can take the typically recommended dose of 2 capsules 2x’s a day before your biggest meals for also at least 60 - 90 days to see real effects. Skinny Fiber first starts working on the issues that are slowing the metabolism down, by correcting the body naturally and preparing it for weight loss - that is done by the detox that takes place in the first few days or even weeks. The more off balance the body is, the longer it will take to see weight loss. Have had several people that said they began to notice the weight or inch loss toward the very end of the first bottle - that is why we have the 30 day empty bottle guarantee!!! No other company lets you try something for free! 2. Drink PLENTY of water........The directions say to drink 8 ounces of water when you take your capsules, but personally, I drink 16 ounces (a full water bottle) then in between my next dose I will drink another couple of 16 ounce bottles, 6-8 a day! For ME THIS WAS THE HARDEST PART of taking the product. I was NEVER a water drinker! 3. Take it EVERY SINGLE day....... Actually this is usually the hardest for people to do...If you are SERIOUS about finally getting healthy, waging war on this obesity epidemic, then we need to do this completely COMMITTED! Set a reminder on your cell phone. If you come to me and say this product doesnt work, I am going to ask you 3 questions. How unhealthy are you/on any meds? Did you take the product everyday without fail (honestly! )? And did you drink the required 64 + oz of water daily?! 4. How do I take Skinny Fiber? If you are good with pills, then you shouldn’t have a problem. Some people have difficulty swallowing capsules. Otherwise, take one capsule at a time, do NOT tilt your head backwards or you can get gassy from gulping air and trying to swallow your capsule with a mouthful of water very quickly. Swallow the second one the same way and finish your glass or bottle of water. 5. Alternative Ways of Taking Skinny Fiber: You can also open the capsule and put it in your favorite beverage (even coffee is fine), mix it with yogurt, applesauce, oatmeal, etc. You can mix Skinny Fiber in almost anything!! It is very easy to use. I sometimes open mine and dump the powder right in my mouth and drink my bottle of water! 6. I get this question all the time - What if I dont eat on a normal schedule? My answer is then take the Skinny Fiber product as if its medication. Take it every day at the same time like clockwork and youll notice some amazing things will start happening! 7. Other Medications - If you are on other medications or vitamins, take them ONE HOUR BEFORE taking your Skinny Fiber, otherwise Skinny Fiber may absorb them and make them less effective. 8. Do NOT eat anything with sugar for at least an hour before or after taking your Skinny Fiber. Sugar breaks down the Glucomannan and prevents it from working as well to help feel full. Other Important TIPS: When you start Skinny Fiber, weigh yourself then try not weigh again for at least 2 weeks!!! Do your measurements or find a pair of jeans that are too small to be your guide..these 2 things are the only things that show real FAT loss. Also, take your before & after pictures so that you can really see your progress! You will want those pictures to show you how much you have changed . Take front view and side views! Also for anyone that says he/she feels hungry when taking Skinny Fiber it is because you are not getting enough water - dehydration causes a false sense of hunger. Plus, the more you drink the more the Glucomannan in Skinny Fiber expands to increase fullness and gives you portion control. Be patient and be consistent, every day this supplement is having a positive effect on your health and once more healing has taken place, your appetite should reduce and you should start to see your weight dropping. Good To Know: Does everyone experience a detox effect? Depending on your current state of health and the number of capsules you take, you may experience different levels of detox when you first start taking Skinny Fiber. Some people need to go through this detox stage before they start to see the weight coming off. Skinny Fiber works hard to improve your health from the inside out. Just keep up the high water intake you will soon start seeing the benefits. How long does it take Skinny Fiber to work? Skinny Fiber is not a quick fix weight loss product and it can take several weeks to start seeing results for some people. This is perfectly normal and varies from person to person depending on your state of health before you started taking Skinny Fiber. If you have digestion problems or other underlying health issues, it will take a while to restore your body’s balance. Fat can be stored as a way of protecting the body and once your overall health improves, the weight loss will follow. Here are some helpful weight loss tips: 1) Change the way you think about to live not live to eat! 2) NEVER drink calories (soda, sweet drinks - ban!!!) 3) Limit the white carbs---bread, pasta and potatoes, sugars 4) Eat 4-6 small meals a day 5) Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day 6) Move your body...any amount of movement is good! 7) Focus on one change at a time 8) Live for the day....know that we all fall sometimes...just get back up! 9) Do not measure your success with the scale - measure yourself with a pair of jeans you can not wear anymore and look at them everyday...try them on once a week! These are your dream jeans 10) Visit our support group often...facebook/groups/skinnywithkelly the motivation could make all the difference! Never let yourself get hungry and always come to this group - for motivation--and support. I am always here for you. Message me with any questions!! AND THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL!! Tell yourself you are worth can do it and see yourself the way you want to be---I believe in you!!! Im so glad you made the choice to get healthier! If you have not ordered yet, you can do so right here-->> cindygreen.sbc90/
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:18:15 +0000

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