Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes. We got out of - TopicsExpress


Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes. We got out of the smoke to the west side for an overnight visit with my folks, and brother Tom whose birthday was the 17th. I am thankful for all of you, and for the memories we share together. I am also thankful that Tom survived his cardiac event in April and is with us still! I am thankful for my family: Nicole and Doug who are terrific parents to our grandson Aidan; Jake whom we are proud of as he finishes his degree and puts it on the line everyday with the DNR (today on the Carlton Complex); Matthew who will start college in the fall and who is volunteering with the Riverside FD (as Jake does), as well as volunteering with some friends today to gather and transport relief supplies for the victims of this tragic fire; and especially my wife of nearly 29 years who still puts up with me! Many of you do not know that I am a smaller version of myself, having shed 45 pounds since late January in an effort to become much more healthy - it is working! Tomorrow it is back to Omak to finish plans for our inaugural Okanogan Valley Band Camp to be held the last week of this month. Please keep our area in your prayers. We are not close to the fire (though Jake is every day), and though we live in a very large county geographically, we all know someone or a family who has lost property or their home. The pictures on the news do not reflect the reality of a house youve driven by a hundred times now existing as only a chimney with some twisted metal, and maybe some concrete stairs. The land is scarred, some have lost everything, and it is not over yet. This 215,000 acre behemoth started as two really small fires. Please continue to pray. If you can, give to the Red Cross (ask them to apply it to the Apple Valley Chapter). People here are tough and resilient. We drove past Pateros HS to check on a colleagues school, and it is thankfully intact. In fact, the community was preparing a barbecue for themselves and those fighting fires. I am blessed to live in an area of such great people, and I am blessed by all of you. Thanks again, and continue to pray for our Valley!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:01:26 +0000

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