Thank you so much for all the engagement via the threads on shared - TopicsExpress


Thank you so much for all the engagement via the threads on shared posts! It is such an important idea to deconstruct, even if one is to then reconstruct it back into the same original form, to understand the systems we are living in is crucial to our responsible participation in them. I will attempt to briefly address some of the key questions raised now, but will go into more depth via a series of Money Talks YouTube videos. (The first one is live at: But here are some of my views on the issues youve raised and perhaps a little more about how I intend to approach this lifestyle: Firstly - I love abundance. nature is abundant, this earth is voluminous and rich, this universe endless... when did we get tricked into worrying about running out? True we may run out of drillable oil and such, ok but thats primarily a problem for the current destructive system of transport and industry which digs and mines to power itself. There is plenty of space, of energy and billions of skilled minds and hands to build and maintain better, sybiotic systems. Maintaining the status quo is not an option, we are dragging heads along the pavement by continuing on this path, Im just trying to build a better system before we run out of heads. So no, I do not wish to live simply; go back to the farm, disconnect, get off the grid. I totally support that lifestyle if one finds peace in that. Its beautiful and I will spend some time doing that at some point, but Alpha and I are vivacious lovers of people, of action, of change, of interaction, of colours and flavours - I dont want to live without ICE CREAM!!! If we are to establish a system that is a viable alternative to the current one, if we expect large numbers of people to transpose their life over into it, it needs to be attractive to the fast food society. Quick, easy, effective. I am not renouncing Capitalism nor championing a purely Gift economy. I want people to engage more sharing resources. To renounce the privatisation of resources and wealth would infer giving it all to the government to distribute? This would seem, to me, a further insulation/isolation. I do love Gifting, but this inherently has a giving ethos of outflow with no demand for immediate return. This could very well be incorporated into the functioning of the Resource Reservoir, but there is definitely also room for expecting immediate exchange of commensurate value. I am very inspired by the Zeitgeist movement and I know the ultimate message in that is to start the outward ripple by changing yourself, so that aligns with my perception. I am not however focused on exposing all the hidden warts of the complex political/religious/economic systems, (which very may well need to be revolted against), instead Im championing the simplicity of the evident; of that which is right infront of us at ground level, were we not to view it through the filter of our education into the current mindset. Of you and I and every day people passing our resources around and I also want to include the PEOPLE who run companies, (I really want to get away from the idea of seeing companies as entities, PEOPLE run all these systems, sometimes it seems like we feel like we are subservient to some monster machines which somehow took over and now run everything with their genius power. Everything is just little 5 or 6 foot humans running around writing e-mails, flicking switches, turning wheels, when were not going to the toilet or working out what to have for dinner). I know the new system will truly take off when the people who run companies invest their companies resources in, or make them available to those engaging in the new system. I will address each theme as its own video, but want to close with an answer directly to Darryl Beaton who asked I think the Italian restaurant was awesome. Cleary wonderful people. My question is do you feel like you could go there repeatedly? Would there be an exchange eventually?: Yes I could return to the restaurant who gave me food, on a regular basis, for there WAS exchange from the very first interaction. I didnt go in there requesting a free meal. I went in and asked what he thought would be a fair exchange. He received the promotion of his restaurant on a FB page with 15,000 followers and mention on the same photographers Twitter feed, for a lunch that cost around $12. Thats a small payment for that kind of social media marketing which many businesses pay top dollar for. Were I to return I would exchange something else, one suggestion I had was to design him some signage, a menu or a flyer. I emphasise this for I know this will be one of the voices which decry my actions; that I am a drain on the system, that I am begging and getting by on peoples generosity. My answer to this is that I am giving the very same services and resources that people would be spending money on; he would have to take money from a customer, bank it, contact a designer/marketer, get a quote, pay for service and then receive the resource that I am directly exchanging for the meal. I am not taking anything out of the system, it remains INTACT. I am merely removing the nebulous sheet which hangs over it.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 03:44:45 +0000

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