Thank you so much for joining me on this interview with the - TopicsExpress


Thank you so much for joining me on this interview with the Huffington Post. I wish I had a little more time to talk about building that relationship with these terrified stray, abused and neglected dogs. I also would have loved to share a little more about the different levels of trust we need to earn in order to complete all these missions successfully. Two days ago we spent almost 4 hours trying to rescue little Moka. She and her friend were both hit by a car. The male didnt survive the injuries, she suffered from a broken pelvis, and she just sat by his body... a 7 months old stray (what an incredible emotional intelligence). When animal control picked up her friends body, she ran away and wouldnt let anyone near her. The interesting thing is that once we had her, she just surrendered and allowed Lisa Gren & I to help her... you will see in her rescue video (coming up soon) that she didnt try to bite even once. With Rosie (in the video below) I had to sit with her for an hour under a truck before she lead me to her puppies. Even though I used a cool trick to get her to take me to them, it was her choice to allow me to touch them, pick them up, and rescue all of them (other than charge at me). This is a higher level of trust because her offspring were involved. With Holly, it was a clear case of abuse where you can tell that the only touch this dog knew is of being beaten. These cases are rougher, but to see dogs like her transform in such a short period of time is amazing... even for me: youtube/watch?v=xhLriN3nBdE With Cadence, it was a whole different level of trust when she accepted my touch even though she was in so much pain, and then she accepted and wanted love from another dog. This is just remarkable considering that she was hurt so badly by other dogs: youtube/watch?v=7jdyP1R0es8 I have to run now... just got all locations for todays rescues. Please share the videos you liked the most and help us raise awareness - its the only way to change things around here. Thanks, Eldad Hagar - Extended Profile.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 18:54:19 +0000

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