Thank you to all those who attended the Murder Mystery Night. You - TopicsExpress


Thank you to all those who attended the Murder Mystery Night. You all took to it with a gusto and enthusiasm that exceed all my expectation. Thank for all your kind compliments and thankyou to the Haberdash Players who really brought their characters to life. I can not recommend these people enough if you are looking at organizing your own interactive event. SPOILERS. Some of you were very interested in hearing the follow up of the night: On the 18th January 1884, Lord Bartholomew Brownstone was arrested for the murder of Lord Blackwood. It came out in court that Brownstone had mistakenly (and no doubt drunkenly) organised the massacre of a peaceful native African tribe during his time in the army. Because if his position in the army and his influence the events were hushed up and Brownstone dishonorably discharged. Blackwood ,who had been on the military inquiry board, had been blackmailing Brownstone over the years to stay silent but recently had demanded an increase in his payoff. On the night of the murder between 11:10 and 11:50 Blackwood and Brownstone were having a blazing row, when the shot went off outside, breaking the study window pane, Blackwood turned towards the noise and away from Brownstone. Seizing his chance Brownstone bludgeoned Blackwood over the back of the head with his cane killing him. After hastily putting the body out of sight and locking the study with Blackwoods key Brownstone made his way to kitchen and arrived at 12 where he drank until falling asleep at the table. For his crimes Brownstone was given the rope. Some of you may have worked at what the other characters were up to that night: After dinner Tobias Brass snuck into Blackwoods study looking for patents to steal in revenge for the ones Blackwood stole from him some years ago, finding nothing he left the study at 11 (as seen by Brownstone) and made his way to his rooms where he found Lady Penelope Violet. She was there for amourous revenge herself as Blackwood had been having an affair with a maid. In mutual hatred of Blackwood they spent the night together until morning. Both dismissed the shot outside as Artemis taking pot shots at squirrels. Theodore Grey, the butler, was indeed the illegitimate half brother of Blackwood, though Blackwood was unaware of this, so Grey was very shocked to hear at the dinner that Blackwood planned on removing family members from his will because as far as he knew he didnt have any surviving relatives. Grey planned to shoot Blackwood before he could change the will. At 11:50 Grey was moving outside the study window when he tripped and fell into the mud setting the gun going off accidentally. Fearing he would be caught he scarpered back off to kitchens, remembering to take his muddy shoes off before he came inside. He made it back to kitchens just as Brownstone came in at 12. Artemis was the only one telling the truth, she had been walking round the grounds and did go to investigate the shot although her efforts to track the gunman were thwarted by the tiled floor. She did investigate the study but finding it locked and seeing nothing untoward through the key hole, she went to bed. After a lengthy legal battle Blackwoods estate was split 50/50 between Grey and Violet. Artemis decided she needed a change of scenery and went to hunt snow leopards in Siberia. Brass still invents many of the household gadgets that are pulling us into the 20th century.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 14:04:56 +0000

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