Thank you to any and all who think enough of me to have - TopicsExpress


Thank you to any and all who think enough of me to have texted,emailed or posted a Happy Birthday note on Facebook. And thank you to all of you who will see this and then say happy belated birthday. Dont think I am mad, far from, Im usually that guy who sends the belated message. Thanks, really. Ironically I know I am my fathers son as I did not see my family today. Instead, I Went to a basketball game (I can hear my moms voice now saying Your father went to some basketball game). Though my family is the greatest thing of my 38 years of life, it is appropriate that this is how I spend My day. Basketball, you see, has given me so much. Basketball is my connection with my dad. From running around in the Long Beach Arena when he was at Long Beach State, to UCLA games, to trying to guess what the teams were running, my dad and me, we watched a lot of ball. My first freeway driving lesson came on the I-15 to Vegas in fact. My dad got sick and so we stopped and slept through a desert snow storm in Baker (home of the Mad Greek) on our way to see UNLV play, and so the invalid asked me to take the wheel at just 15 with cars going 85...all because of some basketball game. Basketball made me sit and have pre game meals with my mom, Chicken, plain pasta and a light salad for high school, AAU and all star events. Basketball is truly is our family business as Gregg Gottlieb and his Bears got another win tonight. If not for hours upon hours in gyms or playing for hours at Miles Square Park or Racquetball World, if not for Valentines tourneys at the Goleta Boys Club, Spring break at the Vegas tourney, Slam n Jam at Victoria Park, where would I be? My memories are of playing in the first ever NJB game or watching Hoosiers the night before the Goleta Finals to finally beat Trabuco Hills. From being the littlest guy at UCIs Bill Mulligan camp to Snow Valley, then Superstar, Pump n Run, ABCD and the Say No Classic, basketball opened doors. I sit here and think, how many kids grew up just like me, but werent so blessed to have parents who wanted it too, who werent as blessed to have natural ability,to see the game,the floor, and how to play ball? Yes basketball. 94 by 50, two hoops, hopefully with soft rims, good nets, a bouncy floor that isnt slippery and a slightly used ball. 10 guys, 5 a side, and no matter what you think of 1 guy, he isnt winning without the other 4 helping. Help side, strong side, pick and pop or pick and roll, there isnt anything like winning when everyone works together. Basketball taught me failure as much as success. It showed me the power of my mind was as great as any muscle, especially when my mind didnt believe in my muscles. In order to be great you have to believe, you have to work, you have to allow yourself to be coached and most of all you have to do what my dad has always taught, take what the defense gives you. Damn I love basketball. Basketball brought me to Oklahoma, where my soul will alway be. I grew up there, I made lifelong life changing friends and I met a girl and she fell for me and yes, I fell for her. All because of basketball. We have seen the world, from Russia to Israel, France to Prague. We have lived in the heartland and on both coasts. I have lived every boys dream of playing, now their other dream of talking about sports. From ESPN to CBS on the Road to the Final Four...all because of basketball. So If you are wondering if I am bummed out by not seeing Hayes, who lights up my world, or listening to Harper talk incessantly, or snuggling the scratchy curls of one Grace Abbott Gottlieb or even spending time with that girl from the red dirt, just know Im with my first love who gave me all of this. Tonight I called a game in front of 15000 people at a cathedral of the college game. It is called the Pit in Albuquerque New Mexico. It is the sight of the most famous air ball in the history of basketball. It is where Jimmy V looked for someone to hug. Tonight I saw UNLV beat New Mexico in the home arena. A road win in conference play is just about the coolest thing in basketball and I got paid to see it and talk about it and share my love and passion for the sport that gave me everything I have on this earth. So how was my lonely birthday a time zone away from my family and friends? I had basketball, it might not be a lot to most of you, but it is perfect to me. Thanks again for the well wishes. 38 down, plenty to go. Doug
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 07:48:06 +0000

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