Thank you to everyone who has made this little group what it is - TopicsExpress


Thank you to everyone who has made this little group what it is today. When I first started it a few months ago, I had no idea it wold be this good. It is only this good good because of you terrific people. Your photos and comments etc make it what it is.. Thank you. A little bit about my history. I am NOT and never will be a professional photographer. I take photos because it is fun, and it gives me something to do. I am sort of retire, so I do have lots of free time. Over the last 12 months or so, I have taken well over 50000 photos. A lot are absolute rubbish,but some are pretty impressive. They will never be good enough for National Geographic,but they are pretty good all the same. I have not got high end expensive camera equipment. (we all wish we did.) I do put in the yards though, I admit,I have my bird feeder here and the bird bath to attract birds. Sometimes they come some times they dont I only had my local birds coming here over the year, namely a red wattle bird, a few families of magpies and a few blue faced honey eaters. After the 2000 photo of the same little guys, even i need new victims. I am very lucky, that now I have glahas coming here very regular, and today I have had rainbow lorikeets find the bird feeder and bird bath. BUT.. there is always a but,...I do venture out to other locations, to get different photos of different birds. The local lake is a great place for bird photos, and on the right day I have taken photos of 10 different birds at my local lake. The challenge for me at the moment is birds in flight, or birds that are doing MORE than just sitting in one spot. It has got me experimenting with the camera, and changing setting, YES... I was one of those people who would just leave it on sports mode. I still do at times. So because of the terrific photos that you lovely members are sharing, YOU have raised the bar for us, and that has to be a good thing. We are taking better and better photos. Thank you once again, and lets get out there this year and take more amazing,wonderful, funny photos of our feathered friends. Robert.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:23:48 +0000

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