Thank you to the AK BEATDOWN TEAM for putting this show together - - TopicsExpress


Thank you to the AK BEATDOWN TEAM for putting this show together - we do a lot of work and wanted to make sure that all of you are recognized. Big thanks to Darryl Jerue, head of security and for helping with sponsors and promotionals every waking breath. Lotsa early morning phone calls and late night communications with me (jamiann), and for managing all the security staff. To Vanessa for keeping up with concessions and for having good communications with pizza & sandwich sponsors- selling shirts & hoodies and for managing your staff. To Bri for tackling the Hostess/ticket and vip table sales position and doing it all with a great positive attitude! To the ring-card girls, Tia-Kasey-Marie, and their security guide Tina Jerue for having class and for being so good with crowd control ;) keeping us all entertained. It takes a lot to get out there and do what you do. To the DJ... Dan-O-Mite, for doing such a spectacular job on the mic and with your choice of beats! It was awesome! You played great over-head security too... thank you! To the corner-coaches, myself and Fernando. I personally have several fighters thanking me for being in their corner along with a few people from the crowd saying how good we are at what we do. A corner-coach is known as, the eyes outside the ring, we place the stool in the ring - get the fighter to sit down & breath - take out their mouthpiece - give them water - relay what we see - and get them back out there - or call the fight to protect our fighters. To the time-keeper, Camille for keeping count :) and for the 10 second warning and 15 second warning for corners. To the Judges for keeping score- i would never want to be a judge... i hear people, mostly fighters, complain, but i think you guys are right on! To Tricia for doing any and everything including helping with posters, managing the medic team, signing & distributing purses to fighters and pay to employees. To Russ for keeping the show running, booking the hall, approving radio ads, answering all of our questions and dealing with all the complainers. And for being the last one out the door. then there is me... i do a lot. weeks before the show I am out promoting- hit up radio stations, do interviews, get posters ordered and posted around town (which takes hours on end), the week before I am at the bars promoting the show (and i really dis-like going out), i deal with sponsors, make up the program/fight-card & get the copies made and distribute throughout the hall. All-in-all, WE ARE TEAM AK BEATDOWN! Good job everyone!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:06:55 +0000

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