Thankful for a Husband Who Prays My husband has been - TopicsExpress


Thankful for a Husband Who Prays My husband has been unemployed for three months now. Every day, he faithfully scours the job postings for the positions he is looking to fill. As I was writing tonight, I glanced up at him. He had been working on a resume all evening for a really big job. Just as I looked up, I saw him breathe out and gently nod his head in prayer. After several minutes, (not knowing I was watching), he raised his head again and clicked “send.” I’m so thankful for a husband who prays. I’m so thankful that, during a time which could be exceedingly stressful, every move he makes toward a job is bathed in prayer. I realized tonight that I really rest in that. Times aren’t easy for us right now, but they are simple. We know – because we pray – we are in the Lord’s will, and the Lord will send us just the right job at just the right time. If you have a husband who prays, have you told him how grateful you are for that? Have you allowed yourself to rest in him knowing that the Lord is working all things together for your good because of those prayers? Write him a letter. Buy him a card. Write a note in dry erase marker on your bathroom mirror. Have a face-to-face chat with him. Whatever you do – let him know how much you appreciate him and his prayers. Take the time to let him know the areas in your life which he could shore up in prayer. Husbands aren’t perfect, but a godly husband who talks with his Father in heaven is a man to be cherished. Let him know he is … I just did.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 00:47:03 +0000

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