Thankful people can worship wholeheartedly. Gratitude opens our - TopicsExpress


Thankful people can worship wholeheartedly. Gratitude opens our hearts to Gods peace and enables us to put on love. Discontented people constantly calculate whats wrong with their lot in life. To increase your thankfulness, take an inventory of all you have (including your relationships, memories, abilities, and family, as well as material possessions). Use the inventory for prayers of gratitude. Every morning, before you start the day, quit rushing around; instead, take time to reflect on reasons for thanks. Declare your thanks, faith, and hope for the day. Celebrate Gods goodness to you, and then ask in prayer for all your needs ahead. Read Colossians 3:16 Attitude of gratitude!!! I read somewhere that it takes 3 good things to offset 1 bad thing. It said in that article that our minds gravitate towards the negative. I really dont have in scientific proof that this is true, but I really dont have to think about it hard to know that I am that way myself many times. I guess no one has to look around themselves very hard to realize, our world is focused on the negative. Turn on the news or pick up the paper, and you are sure to be fed more negative. BUT GOD IS GOOD!!! Regardless what is going on in your life!!! I am not the oldest or wisest person alive. There are things that are going on in our life that are really bad, and not the way we intended them to work out. Things that are against my God and what my family believes in. It really does wear you down when you are in a bad situation. There are days that you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. Days you dont want to get out of the bed, let alone do anything. But if you will just stop the spiral for a moment. Dont let your self keep heading for the crash. Pick yourself up and look at the good things that are around you. Change Your Focus!!! There really are good things in your life, regardless how bad it may seem. You do have hope of better days ahead. If you have ask Jesus to be your Savior, you can jump up and down rejoicing, because you have the greatest days ahead of you. You can have joy in the journey! I can also tell you this. Regardless what I am going through right now, I can look back in my life, and see the Faithfulness of God, and where He has brought me through bad times before. Times that I didnt think that we could survive, and God brought us through. We serve a Faithful God, who is more than able!!! Life is a joy, if you keep your focus on Jesus and the promise we have in Him. Here is a thought for you. The disciples and Jesus are crossing the sea. There is a great storm that was in danger of sinking the boat. They are all in panic mode, we are going to die. Jesus is just sleeping peaceful in the middle of it all. LOOK! Jesus was not worried about the storm at all. He knew that they were going to make it through and reach the other side. The storm/bad things, were just a distraction to get them/us to loose our focus on Jesus, who is the source of our hope and strength. They lost their focus. Have you lost your focus? If all you have is Jesus, you have more than enough to rejoice about, more than enough to be thankful for, and all the hope you need. Keep your eyes on Him. He is going to take care of you. His Peace Can Rule and Reign in your life. That is truly something to be thankful for. Have a Blessed Day!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:09:48 +0000

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