Thankfully, I learned a long time ago that beliefs are not carved - TopicsExpress


Thankfully, I learned a long time ago that beliefs are not carved in stone. In fact, they change, or can change, all the time. I dont believe what I did even a year ago, and I wont believe, in a year, what I do now. If a belief is not helping me it is discarded as soon as I can manage. If a belief is helpful to me, or can be, I would be foolish and unloving toward myself if I didnt believe it. Back when I was such a smart guy and thought the unbelievable really was unbelievable, I would not have seen ascension of the physical body as believable. But now that Im NOT such a smart guy, and seeing as how I feel that Sandy Stevenson just may know more about such things than I do, I allow myself at least the possibility that the physical body can ascend, too. Why not? Hey, Im open. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A new light body blueprint has been brought to Earth. In the past, ascension has been achieved by an individual raising his personal vibration and his surrounding subtle bodies, to the frequency of Light. The normal pattern was to allow the physical body to ‘die’ and increase the vibration of the subtle bodies. This allowed one to ‘raise’ oneself into the fifth dimension. There is now an opportunity to change this universal pattern and ascend with all our lower bodies, bringing a new pattern of ascension into universal manifestation. For the first time in this Universe, there is a possibility for those choosing it to increase the vibratory rate of the molecular structure of the physical body. As in all new things presented to humanity, the idea may well seem ‘way out’ and impossible. Ascension may now be achieved, including the physical body. This body, now raised in vibration to the frequency of Light would be combined with the existing light body, to form a new combination light body for use in the fifth dimension. This action brings into physical manifestation the Blueprint that has previously only been present in the higher realms. This will allow anyone who reaches a stage of ascension in their evolution in the future, anywhere in the Universe, to be able to use this procedure instead of having to ‘die to achieve it. This would also apply to the current inhabitants of Earth. This means that for the first time, there will be a choice of how one ascends. It also means that after this is achieved, by simply decreasing one’s vibration to a lower density, one can instantly manifest a body in the third dimension. This means that no-one from higher levels would have to incarnate or ‘materialise’ in order to visit a third dimensional planet. People attaining their ascension for the first time, are forming their light body as they clear their lower bodies of the denser energies. The majority of the Light force having previously attained their light body, simply bring it in from its ‘storage’ place in the fifth dimension. Regardless of whether one is retrieving or newly forming their light body, both may proceed with this new opportunity of achieving ‘a new combination light body.’ Stevenson, Sandy (2013-04-08). The Awakener (Kindle Locations 922-938). Copyright 2013 by Sandy Stevenson. Kindle Edition
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 22:48:55 +0000

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