Thanking God for another day! Today is: Old Farmers Day: Our - TopicsExpress


Thanking God for another day! Today is: Old Farmers Day: Our society was built upon the rugged shoulders and stubborn personalities of farmers from around the world. So, it only makes sense that we celebrate their contributions and all that they have provided (and indeed continue to provide) us. Old Farmer’s Day intends to do just this. Celebrating Old Farmer’s Day can take on a few different forms. This will all depend upon where one lives. For instance, those in the country can actually reenact the ancient methods of farming before the invention of electricity and modern equipment. There may even be local festivals to attend. City dwellers can choose to take a trip to a rural area and visit a local farmer’s market. There is no doubt that the fruits and vegetables encountered alone should make up for the drive! World Arthritis Day: a great time to get out and lend a helping hand to those suffering from this condition. (Me!) If you have relatives who suffer from it, take a day to go over and help them out with the things that are made difficult for them because of their condition. Take some time to do some research and get a clear understanding of how people have their lives affected by it. National Gumbo Day: a tasty stew-like dish that originated in Louisiana. The name comes from an African word for okra, which is the key ingredient used for thickening. Similar to Louisiana itself, gumbo is an amalgamation of many cultures. Elements of the recipe can be linked to West African, Choctaw, and French cuisine. As a result, there are many variations of gumbo and to this day chefs argue over the true recipe. The first historical reference to gumbo appears in an 1803 document, which describes the menu at a gubernatorial reception in New Orleans. Due to the fact that farmers have been honored for centuries, the roots of this day are likely to go back just as far. So...hug a farmer, learn about arthritis and cook up a big pot of gumbo! YUMM! Whatever you do, make it fun! If you see Molly Malone, Holly Marie Marcheterre or Nelta Carpenter be sure to wish them a Happy Birthday! I love yall! Have an awesome Sunday!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:29:11 +0000

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