Thanking God for another day and all his greatness! Today - TopicsExpress


Thanking God for another day and all his greatness! Today is: Talk Like A Pirate Day: Ahoy, Matey! A day just for fun, a day to let out the pirate in each of us. Practice up your pirate-speak in anticipation of this day. The conversation will be lively, and you dont want to be left behind. Today, everyone will be talking the talk, if not walking the walk. It is not a requirement to dress like a pirate today. Just talk like one. National POW/MIA Recognition Day: a day of remembrance and hope for the speedy and safe return of American Prisoners of War, and those still Missing in Action. It also seeks the return of the remains of fallen soldiers. The first official commemoration of POW/MIAs was July 18, 1979. It was the result of resolutions passed in Congress. The first national ceremony was held on this date. Over the next several years, it was held in varying dates of the year. Finally, in 1986, The National League of Families proposed the third Friday in September as a day to recognize and remember POW/MIAs. This date was selected, as it is not associated with any wars. Each year, the president of the United States issues a proclamation on this day. Did you know? Federal law requires the POW/MIA flag to be flown today. Please take a few moments today, to remember our missing soldiers, and those held as prisoners of war. Attend a ceremony in your area. Say a prayer for POWs and MIAs. Also, write to your senators and congressman to urge continued and increased effort towards bringing every service man and woman home. National Butterscotch Pudding Day: a good reason to enjoy a tasty dessert. Okay, so Butterscotch may not be as popular as vanilla or chocolate. But, it sure is good. If you like butterscotch, just the thought of butterscotch pudding has already got your mouth watering in eager anticipation. So...Arrrr! Talk like a pirate or Ill have you walk the plank! Find a POW/MIA ceremony or event and attend. Honor these heroes and bring them back home! Whip up some butterscotch pudding or just eat some. Ill pass, not much on butterscotch. Whatever you do, have fun! If you see Cassie Chalberg be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday! I love yall! Have a fantastic Friday!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:56:09 +0000

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