Thanking Yvonne Strong Royal Events The sack of Damascus by - TopicsExpress


Thanking Yvonne Strong Royal Events The sack of Damascus by Timur (Tamerlane) occurred on 24 March 1401 The Tokugawa shogunate was established on 24 March 1603 with Tokugawa Ieyasu as shogun Frederick I became King of Sweden on 24 March 1720, a month after the abdication of his wife Ulrike Eleonora Alexander I became Tsar of Russia on 24 March 1801, the day after the death of his father, Paul I The Treaty of Turin, under which Savoy and Nice were annexed to France, was signed on 24 March 1860 Royal Births Ernst, Elector of Saxony, was born on 24 March 1441 Sophie Amalie of Brunswick-Lüneburg, consort of Frederick III of Denmark, was born on 24 March 1628 Princess Maria Annunciata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, wife of Archduke Charles Louis of Austria, was born on 24 March 1843 Gottfried, titular Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, was born on 24 March 1897 Royal Deaths Beatrice of England, daughter of Henry III and wife of John II, Duke of Brittany, died on 24 March 1275 Hugh III of Cyprus died on 24 March 1284 and was succeeded by his son John II Constance of Castile, second wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, died on 24 March 1394 Anna van Egmont, first wife of William the Silent, Prince of Orange, died on 24 March 1558 Elizabeth I died on 24 March 1603 and was succeeded by James VI of Scotland, who became James I of England Archduchess Cecilia Renata of Austria consort of Władysław IV Vasa of Poland, died on 24 March 1644 Alois I, Prince of Liechtenstein, died on 24 March 1805 and was succeeded by his brother Johann I Joseph Princess Maria Anna of Saxony, consort of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany, died on 24 March 1832 Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies, consort of Louis Philippe I, King of the French, died on 24 March 1866 Princess Elisabeth of Saxe-Altenburg, wife of Grand Duke Constantine Constantinovich of Russia, died on 24 March 1927 Queen Mary, consort of George V, died on 24 March 1953 Archduke Hubert Salvator of Austria, grandson of Emperor Franz Joseph I, died on 24 March 1971
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 06:39:16 +0000

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