Thanking you all for your continued prayers, and the good Lord for - TopicsExpress


Thanking you all for your continued prayers, and the good Lord for his continued love and blessings! Today has been a good day for us here in Tampa. Trae was awake for most of the day but finally fell asleep around 5:00. He skipped his usual nap at lunch between therapies, which is very unusual. He is usually so tired at this time hes pretty much asleep before we can even get him back to bed. This morning during his speech therapy he dropped a piece of ice out of his mouth. Without being prompted or asked, he automatically wiped his mouth with the back of his hand!! This may sound like a small feat, but its not by any means. Everyday I see and feel him becoming stronger and more alert. Able to do just a small bit more than the day before. This is a long road, with years of recovery, but my baby is gonna make it! He is truly a fighter and he has God on his side. What more could he possibly need?? I got the okay today to take him to the yearly picnic on Saturday for the polytrauma patients here at the VA and I am truly excited about it. I cant wait to spend a few hours with him out in the real world again and get to meet some of the past patients and family members who have been here. My family has some big decisions to make in the next few months that I dont want to go into detail about at this time. Please continue to not only pray for Trae but also that we will make the right choices concerning his care. Thank you all so much for your love and support!! You guys help me get through each day more than I could ever say. We love each and everyone of you!! Keep the prayers flowing!! God is so good!!! #pray4trae
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 00:19:46 +0000

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