Thanks Bonnie ----- This is one rant that I support - hope you - TopicsExpress


Thanks Bonnie ----- This is one rant that I support - hope you will pass it on. Time we paid attention! Did you know that SENIORS are 60% of the voting population OAS & C.P.P. - an entitlement? GREY POWER-- QUIET NO MORE ONE REALLY BAD THING IS THAT A GREAT MANY SENIORS HAVE NO INTERNET TO RECEIVE EMAILS LIKE THIS ONE, SO SNAIL MAIL AND TELEPHONE ARE ALSO NEEDED... On top of all this stuff that you can read below I would like to state that I was NOT OPPOSED to the Canadian Government donating as a gift a blanket to Prince George BUT I do have a hard time understanding the government donating $100,000. to a childrens charity in England while people in High River and seniors are struggling to stay a float. Doesnt make sense to me. Where in the HELL did the government come up with this money and WHY. GREY POWER-- QUIET NO MORE-- POLITICIANS PAY ATTENTION! The Harper government is saying that at this moment they cannot afford to make changes to the C.P.P. They are also saying that seniors will have to start paying for meds and health care after age 65 because of the strain on the system. I think that it is time that we let him know what we think ..... CANADA: a country where we have: …. homeless without shelter, …. children going to bed hungry, …. hospitals being closed, …. average income families who cant afford dental care, …. elderly going without needed meds and having to travel 100s of miles for medical care with no reimbursement of cost, …. vehicles we cant afford gas for, …. lack of affordable housing, …. mentally ill without treatment, etc.,etc. YET..... They have a Benefit for the people of Haiti, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors, and medical supplies. What the HELLS wrong with us??? ……………. WAKE UP CANADA !!!! Someone please tell me what the is wrong with all the people that run this country! Were broke & cant help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless, etc. …… yet we spent 1.2 billions of dollars for G-20 events! In the last few months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey , as well as Kazakhstan, Pakistan and all the others - literally, BILLIONS of OUR dollars!! Imagine if the GOVERNMENT gave US the same support they give to other countries. Our retired seniors living on a fixed income receive no aid nor do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of food into Foreign Countries! They call Old Age Security and Healthcare an entitlement even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives and now when ITS time for us to collect, the government is running out of money ? Why did the government borrow from these programs in the first place? Entitlement my Ass, I paid cash for my Old Age Security and C.P.P.!!!! Just because they borrowed money from these programs, doesnt make my benefits some kind of charity or handout! Gold plated MP pensions and Civil Service Government benefits, a.k.a. free healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, 20 weeks paid vacation, unlimited paid sick days --- now thats welfare, and they have the nerve to call me a greedy senior and my retirement, an entitlement. Sad isnt it? Lets hope it creates awareness! DO YOUR PART! Things will only change when this kind of email translates into voting results at the polls. As of today, seniors out number ANY OTHER type of voter even by race, religion, or age group. WHEN ARE SENIORS going wake up and understand WE have the POWER to shape legislation? All WE need is the will power to do so! PLEASE SEND THIS BACK AROUND TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS MAYBE THEN THE GREY REVOLUTION will begin. FORWARD THIS TO EVERYBODY !!! 99% of people wont have the guts to forward this. Im one of the 1% -- I Just Did.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 20:30:26 +0000

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