Thanks Chuck! President Putin I have recently read statements - TopicsExpress


Thanks Chuck! President Putin I have recently read statements you are purported to have made about Americans and the mentality of the "West" regarding our Governments support of the Syrian rebels. We as US citizens do not condone or authorize the funding or support of Syrian rebels in any way. We were not told about this decision before hand, to disagree, was never an option. We are not allowed to vote or voice our opinions on such matters. That is unfortunately how our system works. I know many soldiers, who disagree with the actions taken by our government, but they must go. They are soldiers and must follow executive orders even if they disagree with them. There must be a way to stop this madness. Why are we as a Nation whose foreign interaction is supposed to be limited to commerce, according to our Constitution, about to enter Syria? Why are our Marines being sent there? Why is our money funding these animals that have no morals? These are the very same terrorists who hate us and kill our troops every day in Afghanistan and Iraq. The brutal killing of all who oppose them is something incomprehensible to us. The US President Obama claims he is for peace, he claims Islam is a religion of peace. Is it really President Obama? Look around the world, where is there peace where there are Islamic extremists? President Putin the American people do not agree with the unconstitutional actions of our President. We do not want to be involved in a war in Syria. We do not want to wage war with Russia. The people, the citizens of America do not want to support the Al Queada rebels. We are Americans and as Americans we have never been, nor should we ever be, ASHAMED of our leader. Unfortunately, right now with all that he has done, and considering all he did not do; yet should have done to protect our Embassy in Benghazi we are. The spying, blackmailing, lying, intimidation of opponents; the appointment of a Monsanto executive to the FDA, an agency who is charged with the responsibility of protecting the food supply and health of Americans, is an atrocity. He has further endangered our well being and future with the appointment of a Monsanto lawyer to our Supreme Court. Chicago thugs and criminals are running rampant in the DOJ and his cabinet. With the hiring of criminals to work for The Department of Homeland Security, well, compared to him Al Capone was a saint. So as I was saying President Putin: I am Ashamed of my President. I am also ashamed of my countrymen for allowing this to continue to go on. Please consider all of this, and give us the US Citizens a chance to make this right. Sincerely and with much respect, Chuck Ronnenberg (a concerned US citizen)
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 21:52:39 +0000

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