Thanks Kam for the nomination, your video was brilliant and I love - TopicsExpress


Thanks Kam for the nomination, your video was brilliant and I love you to bits bro! However, I am exercising my right to not take part in the Ice bucket challenge. I live in Indonesia, where millions of people have no access to clean water and I am not willing to waste mine on a challenge I believe to be counter productive. I am aware that millions of dollars have been raised for ALS through this challenge, and it’s amazing that people have come together for a good cause and to make a change. But I find it particularly worrying that only 27% of donations are spent on research and ALS Association executives have 6 figure salaries. I may also be more inclined to participate if the dozens of challenges I have seen actually highlighted information on the illness as opposed to just dashing a bucket of water on your head to feel like you have done your bit and have a clear conscience. Also, it is piss easy to dash a refreshing bucket of water on your head in the summer heat, that isn’t a challenge. Instead I will be emptying rubbish onto my head to highlight Indonesia’s waste management problems, which leads to horrendous floods every year, and which further contaminates are clean water supplies. I NOMINATE every monkey-see monkey-do Indonesian who did the ice bucket challenge with no intention to spread any real awareness, but just to follow the latest social media trend, to do the same and get their trash cans ready. In conclusion, whether you believe the ice bucket challenge to be a good or a bad thing, raising awareness for any life-threatening illness or to combat injustice is a very positive thing, but perhaps we can find smarter more productive ways to do so. Peace and Love to all in the world.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:05:54 +0000

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