Thanks Lexi Ever since I was a child, a small trip to Grandmas - TopicsExpress


Thanks Lexi Ever since I was a child, a small trip to Grandmas always ended up in a night without sleep. Her house felt evil. Like every corner I turned someone was there waiting to jump out at me. More specifically, the back of her house. The further back you went, the heavier the air was. You would enter the hallway, the first room would be to the right, which was my grandfathers office and the only room in the back house that felt somewhat normal. Next was the bathroom where, no matter what, you always felt watched. It was even more uncomfortable due to the fact that it was a bathroom. Lastly you would turn left and at the very end of the short hallway would be my mothers old bedroom when she was a teenager. That room was the most evil of all. Countless times growing up I would run to the bathroom, do my business, then quickly run out before I saw something. Feeling was enough for me. As I got older, I started experiencing more. To be exact, a certain black figure. At night I would sleep on the couch, which faced the hallway. My Grandma would always leave the hallway light on so I wouldnt be in complete darkness. That only made it worse. Every time I stayed the night I would stay awake, eyes wide open, staring straight at the black silhouette of a man. It was as though he was waiting for me, taunting me. When I was 14 years of age I saw him once again, but this time, I saw his wicked grin. It scared me so much that I didnt stay the night again for about two more years. This brings me to about a month ago. I decided to give my Grandmas one more try. She had gotten a new couch with a new mattress for the pull out bed, so this time I slept on it. As cowardly as this sounds, I had my Grandma sleep right next to me. I usually toss and turn like crazy while asleep, but according to my Grandma the whole night I was as still as a log. At 5:00 AM my Grandpa got up to make his usual coffee and read the newspaper. I quickly jumped up to thought of him being awake. He was the only person I felt safe with in that house. We sat up in the living room and talked for about an hour, then he decided to go take a shower. When he left, I realized where I was sitting. The couch facing the hallway. My Grandma already decided to go back to her bed, and I wasnt allowed in there, so I decided to tough it out and try to get a little more sleep where I was at. As soon as I was comfortable and had my eyes closed, there was a clicking noise right in my ear. I said outloud, Stop it and the noise stopped, but my legs and mouth paid the price. I felt something playing with my legs, then it got rougher. It felt as though claws were digging into my skin and something was piercing my lip. I tried ignoring it, but it hurt quite a bit. Finally I passed out from the fear. I woke up a few hours later and found a long scratch down my leg and my lip had a little dry blood on it. I went home as soon as I could that day. My story doesnt end there, unfortunately. Whatever had done this took quite a liking to me, so much that it decided to follow me home. Night after night my legs were scratched up, played with. I slept with my mother and still it bothered me. I couldnt take it, it was making me go insane, literally. I became depressed and started losing my connection to God. My family is not Catholic, but my Mother turned to holy water and blessed our entire house. It felt peaceful for quite some time, but things are acting up again.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:13:10 +0000

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