Thanks Liz Spann! This test is bogus as hell. Lol. I took it a - TopicsExpress


Thanks Liz Spann! This test is bogus as hell. Lol. I took it a couple of days ago and got 13/15, feeling pretty good about myself and three friends right behind me got 14/15. I was ok, no big deal. Yesterday Im seeing a bunch of 15/15, and I wake up today seeing Lizs score accompanied by her stating she purposely chose the wrong answers - I didnt know whether or not she was joking. I decided to test that. I just took the test 5 times straight. - 1st test: I tried to choose the wrong answers - 12/15. - 2nd test: I chose the top answer of every question 13/15. - 3rd test: I chose the top answer of every question again 14/15. Peculiar huh? - 4th test: I chose the bottom answer of every question 14/15. - 5th test: I chose the bottom answer of every question again 15/15. ??? I didnt make sure with every question, but Im positive with a couple that the answer options are not shifting places (as in from the bottom selection to the top), so I figure they are static. If they are static, there is no way all of these scores are accurate unless there are multiple answers to each question, and even that theory loses value because twice I picked the exact same answers and got different scores. Come to think of it, Ive seen no one get less than 12 correct. Its probably not possible and this test is just some type of grammar feel good for us all, a Christmas gift if you will. Lmao. My point, just because you got a higher score than me on THIS quiz doesnt mean shit, and humanity has been restored. Lol Howard Fitzpatrick, Tiffany Newby, Luna Gates, Will Horton, Stephen Donovan, Ari Tiamiyu... We can all rest easy now. Happy holidays ;-)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:23:15 +0000

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