Thanks, Michael Stowell . . . George Ball, liberal State - TopicsExpress


Thanks, Michael Stowell . . . George Ball, liberal State Department and Wall Street apparatchik, stated the first axiom of globalism in his infamous 1967 testimony to a congressional Joint Economic Committee when he declared nation states obsolete. This has been unquestioningly accepted as an article of faith by the smart set. Western elites have come to believe nations will wither away in a brave new economically integrated world. . . . . . Its clear they didnt get the memo in Russia and the Ukraine. They have been number one trading partners, yet economic realities did not trump nationalism. To be sure, many of the Maidan protestors coveted their own flag more than designer goods from the EU. Events in the Ukraine show us nationalism is not a spent force, and expose the limits of global technocracy. We have come to believe that raising everyone to the Western standard of living will spread our values. The assumption is that having the same material goods makes everyone the same - the software goes with the hardware. President Clinton and the Washington establishment used this formulation to sell economic engagement with China by granting it most favored nation status then Permanent Normal Trade Relations: democracy would flourish in China in tandem with a growing middle class.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:45:25 +0000

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