Thanks Mike for a grate post! I had to share it but missed - TopicsExpress


Thanks Mike for a grate post! I had to share it but missed copying part of the last sentence. Otto may have thought the same thing. Michael Lutz This is just a thought and nothing more. Grant you we do not have individuals being arrested and sent off to concentration camps for forced labor and extermination. But we do have a government who has, which the evidence is beginning to show, a desire to control undesirables thru the use of a police state. A police state controlling its citizens with a corrupt Department of Justice, illegal activity of an out of controlled IRS and multiple levels of armed government agents (FEMA & Homeland Security). For the most part the vast majority of American citizens are unconcern and its “business as usual.” Many of us, probably myself included, feel what is transpiring with the various levels of the fore mention government agencies really have no impact on our daily lives. After all, we are not being audited, we don’t work as a news reporter, no family members are working as ambassadors, we have never seen armed FEMA and Homeland police in our neighborhoods with armor assault vehicles and attack helicopters and I voted for this Administration (I didn’t) and everything is happening to those nasty Conservatives, Republicans and Christians. If these corrupt activities are allowed to go unchecked, one day when the all the conservatives, Republicans and Christians are controlled, the IRS along with library police will be at your door wanting to know why you checked out a book about Thomas Jefferson. Before a weed, on your sidewalk, grows into a tree and destroys your concrete, sewer, gas line, water supply line and the foundation of your house, it starts out as a little blade and all you have to do is pull it out. Bruno Bettelheim, a child psychologist educated at the University of Vienna, wrote the foreword in the book, Auschwitz a Doctor’s Eyewitness Account, by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli. He attempted to answer a question that many individuals have asked, myself included. Why did nearly six million people allowed themselves to be arrested, transported to death camps, have their family pulled apart, all without any resistance. Finally in an orderly and passive procession, 3,000 at a time enter the gas chamber in Auschwitz, to be exterminated. My understanding of what Dr. Bettelheim said was that the reason for the lack of resistance was the death camps came about in a slow deliberate process. The target groups, not only Jews, prior to their incarceration, according to Dr. Bettelheim, went about their lives “as business as usual” and in part “Their earthly possessions had taken so possession of them they could not move; instead of using them they were run by them.” Dr. Bettelheim was somewhat critical of Otto Frank, the father of Anne Frank, who he believes tried to live his family life “As business as usual” He claims if the Frank’s fled Holland when they had the chance or if the family went into hiding separately, instead as a family unit they may have survived the war. Instead Anne, her mother and sister died at Auschwitz, Otto survived. The point that I’m trying to make is that we may all be going about “business as usual.” That weed in the sidewalk has to be taken care of (metaphorically) before it destroys the house. All we have to do is bend over and pull it out (vote). Whatever you do, do not use a chemical weed control, the EPA may take you away. Once again I’m not saying death camps are in our future, but I’m sure if you talked to Otto Fran
Posted on: Fri, 31 May 2013 15:15:41 +0000

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