Thanks Obama, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson for setting this - TopicsExpress


Thanks Obama, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson for setting this country on fire and if we weren’t divided as a nation before the trial, now we’re really divided. Obama, Holder, Sharpton, ACLU and NAACP continue to investigate what has already been investigated and determined by the State of Florida and the FBI. They determined that the incident involving GZ and TM was not instigated by GZ due to racial motivations. Newsflash everyone, justice was served the jury heard and reviewed the evidence from both sides and rendered a “NOT GUILTY VERDICT”. You do don’t get to change the rules of the Judicial system simply because you do not like the outcome. In a criminal case once a jury acquits it’s over, that person can never be accused for this crime ever again. The evidence ruled against TM and unfortunately the young man lost his life. I keep reading comments on social media sights, comments on articles and in the news media and all I keep hearing is that TM didn’t deserve to die and that GZ is a murder. I keep hearing the demand for the FED GOVERNMENT to bring GZ up on charges for Civil rights violations and yet they can’t name any specific right violation other than the one Sharpton stated, “The Right to Life”. I say Mr. Sharpton, If TM had a right to life then so did GZ. I wasn’t in the courtroom and did not listen to the complete evidence like the jury did and I did not receive any jury instruction either but with all due respect to all you TM supporters NEITHER DID YOU, however, based on what I have learned about the case and part of the evidence that I have become aware of, I would be inclined to rule NOT GUILTY. Firstly, GZ was the captain of his neighborhood watch program and it was presented into evidence that there had been burglaries in the neighborhood, of which, the suspects of these crimes were young black men with hoodies. This leads me to believe that victims of these crimes had at some point in the pat witnessed these crimes from suspects who must have been observed committing the crimes or leaving the scene of a crime. Secondly, the scuffle occurred in a community, a gated community that had been burglarized by individuals with this description. They must have been burglarized so often that the community deemed it necessary to establish a neighborhood watch program and thus GZ gets involved. Now I live in a gated community and let me tell you living in a gated community doesn’t mean we are only confined to our own individual homes, it means that the whole gated community itself is our home and thusly it is considered PRIVATE PROPERT, private to all the members of our COMMUNITY. We have the right to be safe in our community and anyone who is not a member of our community and is not visiting a member in our community is in reality TRESSPASSING. It is not a public street were everyone has the right of passage. If I see individuals in my gated community who do not appear to belong in my community and do not appear like they are visiting someone it is going to raise caution, it is going to raise suspicion and is going to cause anyone in the community to OBSERVE even more closely for the protection of not only ourselves but our fellow members in our private community. According to what I read TM was in fact walking home from the convenience store and was walking through a gated community. A gated community that he did not live in and in reality had no reason to be there. Not only did he not live in this gated community, he was wearing items of clothing that aroused suspicion, he was wearing the clothing that fit the description of the suspects who were reported committing the burglaries in this gated community. Circumstances that may or may not have ever involved TM, however, he fit the general description, TM supporters want to throw this under the label of PROFILING and call it racial. Is it a crime to wear a hoodie? No, however, the complete circumstances under which that gated community had been constantly burglarized, together with the general description of some of the suspects that had been witnessed by victims of these crimes, put TM in a precarious situation of suspicion, as he walked through this gated community. GZ acted out like any member of any gated community would react under these circumstances. The unaltered tapes from the GZ 911 call proves he acted accordingly. Now TM supporters can speculate all they want, especially to the fact that GZ did not obey the 911 operator to stay in the car and therefore if GZ would have stayed in the car this would not have happened. Since we are speculating, what about this scenario, what if this individual was not TM but another individual that broke into a home, a home in your gated community of one of your neighbors and burglarized this home and in the process committed murder and the only person that could have done something to change the outcome, stayed in his car to wait for the police to come, by that time, it would have been too late. If that had been me in my home not expecting to be burglarized or murdered, I would definitely want somebody to do something other than stay in the car and leave me and family helpless. What TM supporters fail to recognize is that there is an element of evil in this world and as long as there is this element we must always be prepared and cautious. You could choose to live your lives as though nothing could ever happen and wait until you become a statistic, by that time it will be to late or you can be proactive and prepare, which is what GZ did by becoming a member of the neighborhood watch he refused to be a statistic and did something to protect his community. Now l am going to discuss the confrontation. GZ claimed Self-Defense and the State claimed Murder, the Jury ruled Not Guilty on all charges. I keep hearing TM supporters say that he didn’t deserve to die like this. Well if GZ would have lost that battle for the gun and TM would have either killed GZ with his own gun or killed GZ by bashing his head into the concrete, would GZ deserve to die like this? A person who dies while voluntarily serving his community. GZ knew the risks involved in what he was volunteering for and TM knew the risk in confronting GZ, because anytime you confront someone you are taking a risk. You are taking a risk because you never know who this person is and whether or not this person is carrying a weapon or not and what happened? Come on TM supporters, let’s be real, TM took a chance in confrontation and GZ had a weapon. Now according to the evidence, it was stated that TM overpowered GZ and was on top of GZ bashing his head into the concrete. It was reported that GZ was screaming for help and was being beaten for some time. Beaten to the point where GZ felt that he could not overpower TM and felt that if he didn’t that he was going to DIE and thus, used his KEL TEC 9MM pistol and killed TM. Now did TM had already achieved the upper hand on GZ and was on top bashing his head to the ground TM had plenty of time to get up and run but he choose to continue the thrashing of GZ, he had the upper hand and he willingly choose to continue the beating, it was no longer a beating to obtain the opportunity to get away, he made the decision to continue beating GZ head to the ground for no other reason than to kill GZ. GZ at this point knew if he did not use lethal force that TM was going to kill him, who was vulnerable at his point GZ or TM. GZ was vulnerable. He pulled out his pistol and defended his life and shot TM, that is justified under self defense and the jury ruled accordingly. TM supporters just don’t like the results. Now you have Obama and Holder attempting to start the whole gun control thing again and use this incident to take away gun rights, self defense laws, conceal carry permits and stand your ground laws. So again, the government taking advantage of a good crisis to push their ultimate agenda, which is to take all our rights and liberties away. To be Continued.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 09:49:38 +0000

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