Thanks Rosalie Skinner. Heres the thing. Ive been tagged by a - TopicsExpress


Thanks Rosalie Skinner. Heres the thing. Ive been tagged by a writer friend and my task now is to post a few paragraphs from page 7 from a work in progress, then tag seven other writers. Therefore, my intended victims are: Toni Rachelle Carroll, Ali Mark, Marina Zammit, RB Clague, Edward Lorn, Diane Curran, Karen Lee Gribbin. Page seven begins ... I get him to repeat his story and take notes. I don’t need to take notes, but it puts the punters at ease if you seem normal like them. He tells it again, more or less the same as the first time. I ask a few pointless questions, just to stroke his ego a little, get his name and address and let him go. The local cop comes up next. He digs out his own notebook and reads me his report. Yada yada yada. Nothing new here either. I take his name and number and tell him I might call for more info later. I also slip him my card, just in case something else comes up. Always be nice to the cops. Maybe they can’t get real jobs, but they can sometimes be useful. They hear things, get access to things the general public never know about. Not like over in the US where they have a Right for this and a Right for that. Here we work for our information, and the Rights change depending on the day and who the top dog. I look around and decide to snap a few pictures of my own. It makes it look as though I’ve achieved something other than wasting some more of Mary’s money. Hot Dog is sucking back his fifth beer as I get back to the helicopter, and doesn’t look pleased to see me. He’s got quota to finish and I’ve come back early. Tough. I’ve just wasted a half dozen hours of my life I’m never going to get back. He can finish his last when we get home. He stares at me as the engines warm up and the turbine starts to squeal. I ignore him. So the trip home is silent. No remarks, smartarse comments or detours. I get to think for a while, running it through the brain a few more times. On the 3rd day…Elvis returns from the dead. On the 3rd day…Jesus upsets the faithful by reminding them that he’s actually Jewish. On the 3rd day… Nicole Kidman gives birth to our lovechild. Oh wishful thinking, where would I be without you?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 02:17:34 +0000

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