Thanks, Tanmay Bhamare! It is the rich and educated who complain - TopicsExpress


Thanks, Tanmay Bhamare! It is the rich and educated who complain about fees, even when one has pulled them out of worst, often after having received extraordinary effort! They come asking for discount, even from the partial bill which their mediclaim denies. Hospitals as you know dont give concessions unless the consultant / doctors gives up his fees, which is often less than 10% of total bill. So if I give concession of 20 Rs in a bill of 100 Rs, I will lose my 100%, hospital will lose its10% still profit, patient will profit life, health and 20%, and will be further free to write and say how docs dupe!! If I dont give concession, patient, society, media, naked filmstars are all ready to pounce upon the profession, entirely forgetting that a life was also saved due to timely medical care, all credit should go to the treating doc! This happens to most docs. If government is so much for the health ethics, make mediclaim compulsory and make insurance companies ( who profit multiple millions) to sanction complete bills... What is the logic of sanctioning only part of bills by mediclaim? Any which way, the Doctor, whose skill runs this entire show, remains the least paid and weakest, most disposable element. Hospitals, patients and Society all exploit good doctors, expect them to live in poverty, and carry their irresponsibilities over shoulders. Why shouldnt the doc charge more to those who drink/ smoke/ eat gutkha as these are high risk cases, have money for addiction and are careless for their own life? But our hypocrite intellectuals speak and write mindlessly about doctors, just to gain attention and public sympathy. Add to this the perpetual jealousy element: that most doctors are talented, hardworking, well behaved (shall I also add handsome and beautiful??? Just joking) makes many jealous... If a doctor has to depend upon someone to gift him iPads in a country, the joke is upon the country and its population, the crime is it not paying the doc well enough. Why dont you declare all gifts illegal, why in one profession only? There has to be a proof that someone actually caused harm / prescribed more than usual doses etc without benefit or justification to label ot corruption. Many patients ask for false certificates and sedatives etc, some docs comply under duress. Does that make even taking thanking gifts / sweets / etc from patients a bribe? Can the pharma not still gift some doctors through unidentifiable ways? I am for ending corruption, but its twin: hypocrisy shoud go too. We live in a society of people who need rich and famous to tell them how to think, and the percentage of ehics and principles, honesty and truth, corrution and deceit etc is far highr among the rich and famous who guide an entire society.... If you are famous and kill someone in drunken driving, you are forgiven, and we still love you, and will further contribute to your wealth, and the courts will take years to decide the case, same about all rich and powerful, but the doctors cases result in multiple crores of fines almost immediately, for negligence! What is more negligent than drunken driving rhat results in accidents... Show me compensations in crores there???Compassion for patient entirely has ruled out compassion for an entire profession : Doctors .
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 06:35:53 +0000

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