Thanks a lot you worthless spineless coward idiot scumbag OBAMA! - TopicsExpress


Thanks a lot you worthless spineless coward idiot scumbag OBAMA! Hope you have freaking fun on youre tax payer paid vacations you freaking joke! Because of you and youre liberal idiotic policies of big government and free shit for the worthless you screwed me out of 1,800 tax break for child and there care you freaking asshole!!!!!!!! And this after youre Ridiculous state of the union speech where you made it clear your a complete ignorant ass that dosent know his ass from a hole in the ground!!!!!!!! Thanks you ass hole because of you and youre wonderful policies that are guised to suppose to help the middle class you cost me over 1800 bucks you freaking jackass!!!!! Pull youre head out of your arrogant ass and relize what the hell is going on America is failing Islamic terrorists are becoming a horrible threat and that you are in way over your freaking head you puke!!!! Do America a god damn favor go jump off a very tall cliff with a very rocky bottom!!!! Im so sick of corruption screwing my family how the hell do i provide for my family when i have to battle city state and federal politicians to feed my damn family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The corruption starts at the lowest level and just moves on up sick of it and im damn tired of letting it happen no more Youre Hurting my family and thats the straw that breaks the camels back and im talking city state county feds its time you answer to the people and serve the people not extort them!!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:45:43 +0000

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