Thanks again for all the votes that helped me win the Sunbody Hat - TopicsExpress


Thanks again for all the votes that helped me win the Sunbody Hat competition. There was a little drama late in the competition when it was alleged that “someone” in the finals had taken a brain enhancing drug that helped with the writing…but when everyone in the room was tested and admitted they had used a cup of coffee in the past it was decided “no harm no foul”. My original Sunbody Hat is being picked up from my house later today to be taken by Sunbody to a place where all the old hats roam and play…that’s good, cause I wouldn’t want it thrown away. I don’t like to brag and put a dent in my reputation of being the most humble man in the world (as my tee shirt says) but for all you folks in Georgia needing more rain…you’re welcome. I left the top off my Jeep last night while parked in the driveway so that you folks would be assured of much rain. I have spent the morning taking my combat seat covers off and putting them in the drier (yes, just like John Wayne would do it) and wiping off all the wet electrical stuff and windows. I will probably be riding to the bank wearing a garbage bag so that I don’t get diaper rash. But that’s something I can talk to the grief counselors about when they get here. I’d better make more coffee. I have contacted the media as well as the White House because there should be something that can be done to stop this sort of thing from happening again. Maybe an alarm can sound that will send the local constabulary out to put the top up, or a squadron of fighter planes can patrol the skies looking for Jeeps with the top down. I have started a fund to help those who suffer from the devastating effects of sitting in a seat full of water…and with any luck we’ll make our goal of $400,000.00 by supper time. If you would like to help please make the check to Caring for Aquatic Seat Health or CASH for short and send it general delivery to the Motel 6 in Demopolis, Alabama. Remember, if we don’t do something, “the terrorists win”. Life is full of ups and downs…duh. But sometimes the blow we receive from out of the blue does too much damage and we are broken beyond repair or we are permanently crippled and need the help of our fellow travelers. As a kid once (yes, a few short years ago) I learned that two popsicles don’t do much for 6 playmates. If we keep dividing the pie their will eventually not be enough for those in need. So, do we all sit on our rumps and cry about it? No, we need to see a resurgence of folks getting off their wet seat and getting back in the game. I will be glad to continue to give of my time and money to help others in need…I just wish the government would stop trying to hand out my money for me (since it seems to diminish before it reaches the needy) and all the lazy hangers on will go get a job and move out of the way. Until then I’ll just push thru the riff raff, and get the job done…and donate to those who I know are also getting it done. I will be back out on the field of play as soon as I put on dry clothes, make my garbage bag poncho…and have another cup of coffee ( I’m not addicted, I just need it…every day) cause I intend to go out of this world standing up and present a moving target to the Celestial Game Warden when he takes a shot at me with the Eternal Dart Gun. I’ll see y’all on the off ramp.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 12:22:24 +0000

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