Thanks, dear friends all, for your supportive and loving comments - TopicsExpress


Thanks, dear friends all, for your supportive and loving comments on my latest post. After speaking to my niece, Shana, last night, Im feeling a bit more encouraged. Its looking more like Ill be making my trip to Indy in mid-October, which is when it now seems like it would be most productive. Mums physical health is fairly stable right now, but her mental health is going straight down the tubes, as dementia takes over. This is creating problems for her caregivers and sowing much distress in the family, naturally.Its often hard to know whats the best thing to do and being so far away doesnt help. Meanwhile, Christines mother, who at age 88 is still living in her home, has started having falls, partly as a result of Parkinsons disease, which has only recently been diagnosed. This puts Chris and her brother in the same situation my family was in this time last year: time to get the old dear moved to a place where shell be safe. Which starts with convincing her that The Time Has Come...not easy! Again, thanks for all your good thoughts, prayers, energy...youre the best! And let me, in turn, bounce some good energy of my own back out there to anyone and everyone of you who are--or might soon be--at grips with something similar. Lets keep the love going around--its vital!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 21:00:21 +0000

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