Thanks everyone for reading my glogs, yeah, I know Ive been kinda - TopicsExpress


Thanks everyone for reading my glogs, yeah, I know Ive been kinda slack on the updates... but hey... can you write anything as epic as this :-P Okay jokes aside... our first lot of aussie gigs are done and dusted... now for some well deserved rnr for a few days here in the goldie :-) But lets rewind a day or so... Gladstone!!!... represented their town to the fullest of the full with a night of irie proportions, huge sound and venue, huge crowd... was a very cool gig... started with a late soundcheck (whats with the no noise til after 6.00 thing anyways?) watching punters lining up at the door, people hoping to grab a precious stray ticket to the show but sadly being told sorry nothing left, all sold out, nice words to hear being a performer, tough if you missed out though :-( Anyway... crowd loved it, we loved it, there was a lot of love being felt, even by the couples canoodling up the front, if ya know what I mean :-P A lyrical battle where the band ends up being out sung by an audience of epicness, I think we should just turn up and jam, let you guys do all the singing at our shows aye... good to know the security had a good night too, its a blessing to hear the staff had no issues with crazy drunken loosies. Bodies scattered inside and out, filling every gap and space there was, kinda wondered how anyone could dance in a very limited and tight spot, unless youre doing the Mr.Bean dance which is restricted to moving just your head and shoulders LOL.. Forgot to mention, good catch up Reuben Heger, thanks for coming out bro. Edit: By the way... we had fun getting lost on our way to the venue, GPS took us to... 1. a family home which wouldve been cool if they were k-fire fans inviting us for dinner... 2. middle of nowhere... 3. the venue, where 8 of us completely missed the humungous KATCHAFIRE canvas banner hanging out the front for the whole world to see (but the band) when driving by the first time LMAO. Thanks for coming out Gladstone... too much alright... Good morning to the world as I pack n ready myself for an early check out, destination Gold Coast, a 10.00am flight, approx 1hr journey with Qantas airlines... hmmm whats with all the winking by the way female flight crew?, feels as if I did something naughty hahaha... nice comfy flight, so comfy that I whipped out my faithful VIAO lappy, my gaming mouse and powered up a game of quake III arena FT which captured the attention of one of the flight ladies commenting wow, thats a first Ive ever seen on a flight... just as I began to get fully immersed, the com announced to prepare for landing... game over... fragg you next time. The next hour happened in this order, exit plane, be nice to flight crew whilst tripping over own footing (shame), collect luggage from carousel, go to passenger pick up area, wait for van, load van, get in van, travel in van, arrive at accom, get out of van, check into hotel room, wait for room key, wait for cleaner to finish room because too early, 20min later key handed to me by really apologetic check in girl, go to room and drop off luggage, back down stairs into van, straight to sound check, greeted at venue by a hearty promoter strolling around breast feeding her cute lil bubba... churrrr rootsie.... GOLDIE! Man, speechless of the turn out, the GC was in the house and they were sure to let the world know that they are here to party with the fire... I was so buzzing out on the crowds response when we smashed into our on the road intro that I actually missed a note LOL, okay I let that one get away on me, but I put 3 extra ones in at the end of the song to make up for it so :-P Had a fun time, lots of love and energy from the GC audience, most Ive seen the crowd jump around (what the heck are you all eating, drinking, smoking LOL) awesome way to welcome us back, the energy the love and the fact you guys are authentic in showing your appreciation... love it GC!!! Gone are the days of bulb powered stage lights, now all practically led lit, more power conservative I guess but it wouldve been nice to feel the heat from a traditional onstage light (yeah I was cold... soft you say?), it was a breezy night and the position of the stage adjacent the buildings made for the perfect wind tunnel, so yeah... it was a bit breezy onstage. Thanks for coming back stage cuzzie Ngawaina, good to see you again looking so happy and heathly :-) Mad raspect to brotha Astro, huge love to a humble and patient man, brother, thank you so much for your time, wish you all the best on your tour to India... was a pleasure working with you, much blessings bro. Big respect GC. Least not forget a shout out and big love to Andrea Te Puke, and Paul Te Puke for handling the merch, and next time we come back, Ill bring you some rasta socks sis hehehe.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 05:34:38 +0000

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