Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I was able to post - TopicsExpress


Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I was able to post through text message from the hospital but couldnt check facebook itself. We still have no answers, and just got home (after nearly 12 hrs.) They couldnt justify keeping him. They sent him home because nothing - bloodwork, CT, ultrasound, urine etc, showed anything wrong, but there is clearly something not right, especially if it takes morphine to make him comfortable (he hates taking meds of any kind). So he is home and if he starts having intense pain again, we will either go back to the ER or to his primary dr tomorrow for followup/tests. The pain is in the gallbladder area, not in the back or flank, not in the abdomen, not in the blood in urine, negative Rovsings and McBurneys signs, nothing that would point to appendicitis, bowel blockage, or kidney stones. To answer your question David, no pain radiated anywhere, it was sharp, stabbing, spastic pain in the gallbladder area that started off at a 9.5 (scale of 1-10 w/10 being worst), to a 3-4 now after being on morphine and toradol. The school where he works called an ambulance to take him to the hospital because they knew by the way he was acting he wouldnt be able to drive himself. His blood pressure was also very high then, which scared them, in addition to the pain he was in. Its all very strange. I feel so bad for him...he has felt awful since noon and still no answers. I will keep yall updated. Continued prayers are appreciated!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 07:36:18 +0000

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