Thanks for all the Memorial Day tags, and messages... Let me give - TopicsExpress


Thanks for all the Memorial Day tags, and messages... Let me give you my insight on Memorial Day. One to many of you think its all about you Who can do what for you people owe you. Heres my problem I have no need to run around expecting handouts, or attention. I volunteered, and CHOSE to be a Marine. When you are just getting out of boot camp, and wearing your uniforms to bars wanting free shit Youre a disgrace to what Memorial Day is supposed to be. Memorial Day is for families to mourn/reflect on loved ones deceased, suffering from issues, or disabled. Memorial Day to me is Giving my respect and gratitude for people that have been, and continue to give up their lives fro a government thats corrupt. A government that steals, and breaks promises. The men and woman that actually are doing something. Im sorry but just because youre IN the military Does not mean you have earned, the right to milk Memorial Day for free shit. People like me that are 3x Iraq veterans usually arent the ones wearing our uniforms out in town wanting people to coddle us. Its the quiet ones, the ones not out begging for attention that get my respect. People that deploy, and sacrifice, not the ones that came in and work at the gym on base, but go in town telling people theyre war vets. Its disgraceful honestly. To me Memorial Day to 90% of the population is parties, and a reason to get drunk. The other 10% sat at home today with sadness in their eyes because they, or their kids suffered, or no longer walk this earth. Dont forget why this holiday is what it is, and disgrace it. I dont want pats on the back, I would rather you thank people who their sons and daughters are buried and cant celebrate. Sons and daughters without a mother or father now., and abandoned by an ungrateful government of thieves and backstabbers. Those of you that made the ultimate sacrifice I salute you. If you work as a clerk on base with a 9-5 sorry but to me that doesnt warrant applause, and free shit.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 03:25:24 +0000

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