Thanks for approving my request! Im in a bit of a pickle. I - TopicsExpress


Thanks for approving my request! Im in a bit of a pickle. I already posted on the PetSmart page and they told me to come here. So I am going to paste everything from that. Alright pet experts! Sorry in advance for the super long post but Im covering a lot of bases. Im hoping that there is some cat behaviorists out there because Im sort of at my wits end (seriously, Ive even contacted Jackson Galaxy only to be told that they were not casting in my area). My cat will randomly (yes randomly) pee on things. Now its not furniture or anything serious (though there was a mattress that made the victims list). She has peed on a mattress, a random top sheet we used to lay under the birds cage to catch his poop, seeds etc, three times on the pillow I use for between my legs at night (first time I threw it away and got a new one, second time I washed it with a mix of vinegar, bleach, tide, and oxiclean because I had seriously just gotten it, and the third time I threw that one away). The most recent time was this morning when I found it on her one bed that was in the living room (yes she has more than one bed). Not the one next to my bed, which is where she has peed in the past since my leg pillow tends to fall on the floor but the one in the living room. Now before anyone tells me to go to a vet, A: she had bacteria in her bladder from the mattress, top sheet and the first pillow time and has since cleared up (after the first pillow incident we were concerned and took her to the vet). The other times that this has happened, I took her to the vet and everything came back clear. B: the incident from this morning is 2 days away from her comprehensive exam with Banfield on the 30th so she DOES have an appointment to which I will be mentioning this to them. I honestly cannot figure out for the life of me why shes being a brat (loving term, but I really am flustered with her). We recently switched her food and did the whole 2-3 week slow switch over because she had vomiting issues (that the vets know about). The vomiting has stopped aside from 2 little kibbles this morning which I deem that a total win in my book. We got her a new litter (kinda). Its the purple tidy cat instead of the red tidy cat because the red was out when I went to get more. However, even with the purple tidy cat, she has been using her litter boxes. Notice I said boxES, there are two of them. Yes, they are both cleaned regularly with regular litter changes as well as cleaning the actual litter pans so they look brand new because shes a spoiled little princess that we have nicknamed Chlosephina (Chloe is her actual name). We have also tried the Feliway diffuser per our vet and it did absolutely nothing. She sniffed it, ran away, and became a straight up banshee until we unplugged it. If anyone at all has any sort of remedy, ideas, or advice I would honestly and truly appreciate it. I also have other behavior issues with her if anyone is interested in possibly solving those as well: Pawing at EVERYTHING, meowing constantly, waking us up in the middle of the night and eating our hair/biting our heads when we dont wake up even though we have play time.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 19:55:43 +0000

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