Thanks for my friend Cindy Plue for letting me get on the band - TopicsExpress


Thanks for my friend Cindy Plue for letting me get on the band wagon on this. She gave me the number 11. So, here are 11 things to know about me. 1. My bio Grandpa (my bio moms dad) was a registered Sioux Indian from South Dakota. I resemble him the most. 2. I was adopted by the Smiths in 81 because they were once my neighbors in Middlewanga, Ohio in 75. I was living in foster care with the Young family as their neighbor. Years later, I ran into Mrs. Smith in 1980 at Berlin Milan Middle School while she was picking up Marian, her daughter who was in my grade. Mrs. Smith couldnt believe that I was still in foster care 5 years later. So, they called Erie County Children Services to claim me and weeks later I was living with the Smiths. 3. I have a very rare blood type, AB - (negative). Only like 1% of the worlds population has this rare blood type. 4. I have one bio sister Jeanne. However, I also have two biological half brothers from my bio moms new affairs: Todd and Allen who resemble me more than Jeanne does. I had a bio half sister, Nikki, but she tragically perished in a fire in 87. 5. I dont like to date. Im done with that in my life. Im alright being single most of the time. 6. I dont like to drive. I take the bus or ride my mountain bike everywhere. 7. Im a skin cancer survivor. Ive had it lasered off and surgically cut off me, but living in sunny AZ probably doesnt help? I try to wear sunscreen daily. I need to be careful. I have no healthcare. I rarely see a doctor, but I can sign up for Obamacare. I received a letter from Washington D.C. that Im eligible for it. 8. Since graduating from Ohio State, I have lived in 4 states ending with the letter a: Florida, Georgia, California, and Arizona. 9. Im highly allergic to kiwi. Eating too many strawberries or oranges creates a similar reaction. Kiwi makes my throat itch and swell. Also, my lips, eyes, and face puff up. One time being super vain in 92, I wanted that fuller lips look before going to a Columbus, Ohio nightclub. So, I knew kiwi would do that and I rubbed a kiwi on my luscious lips that night. Big mistake! My vanity project backfired on me! My whole face puffed up from the kiwi and I couldnt go out at all that night. 10. I have -400 vision. Im very nearsighted. Im literally blind without my glasses or contacts. 11. I have a twin brother, but he was adopted in Russia. Hes quite successful compared to me. He became a top male model and pro figure skater...just joking! Ok, more seriously, I can still do a round off backhand spring at age 45! THE END
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:44:50 +0000

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