Thanks for nominating me Haridarshan, just when I thought I might - TopicsExpress


Thanks for nominating me Haridarshan, just when I thought I might escape this bucket. Here are some of the books that I liked (not in any particular order): 1. The Mahabharata - Chakravarthy Rajagopalachari:- Introduced me to the complex plot of the great epic. Said to be quite close in purport to that of bhagavAn vyAsAchArya. 2. Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata - Devdutt Pattanaik:- Although the overall purport is misleading and treatment of the bhagavad gItA is abysmal, the book opened my eyes to the character of Kunti. Also one of those books I read (past tense ]red]) day and night for a few days. 3. The Difficulty of Being Good: On the Subtle Art of Dharma - Gurucharan Das:- A middle way approach to the Mahabharata, especially highlighting the dilemmas of Yudhistira. 4. Swami Vivekananda in the West - Karandikar:- Wonderful collection of beautiful incidents during the Swamis tour of America and Europe. 5. Introduction to Indian Culture - Swami Harshananda 6. Three centuries that shaped India - K M Munshi/Pannikkar:- summarizes and argues for the importance of three centuries - (a) spread of Sanskrit c. 4th century (b) resistance to Islamic onslaught c. 13th century and (c) revolt against the British leading up to political freedom c.19th century 7. upadeshasAhasrI - shrImat shankara bhagavatpAda:- amazingly beautiful exposition of vedAnta, especially the 18th chapter (parts of which I am exposed to) 8. The DaVinci code - Dan Brown (dint read the book, but watched the movie) 9. Being Different - Rajiv Malhotra (yet to complete reading) 10. AvaraNa - S. L. Bhyrappa (yet to read) The titles of 4 and 6 are approximate. (I wont be surprised if the author name is wrong too.) I have returned the books and fail to find them online. Corrections are very much welcome and appreciated. Thanks.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 05:21:51 +0000

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