Thanks for the link Jeff Haley! Getting everything exactly wrong - TopicsExpress


Thanks for the link Jeff Haley! Getting everything exactly wrong and backward seems to be a consistent specialty from the Left. The global warming we once had was naturally solar caused warming, a more active sun just like the even warmer Minoan, Roman and Medieval global warming eras. Now our own nice prosperous time of warmer climate is over for maybe 50, maybe 200 years, with the long shot possibility of this 10,000 year old interglacial era actually ending right on schedule any time. We are overdue for a return to glaciation of nominally 70,000 years. Its the sun driving climate, with some leveraging from cosmic rays affecting low level cloud reflectivity and a wild card of volcanic activity that drives moisture via about 3 million sub oceanic sites, and the ash and gases from surface eruptions. While the pattern we see here is not necessarily the colder climate change predicted by solar experts just yet, some of them say they fear that it is. Short term we have a gradual slight North American temperature drop that has persisted over a 20 year period so far. This would be most likely similar to solar cycle 5, not quite as bad as the Little Ice Age but some Russian experts say a 200 year solar magnetic cycle they study is going to give us something nearly as bad. Long term, a glaciation era is only about 5 degrees colder. The atmospheric moisture from increased sub oceanic volcanic activity would be the key for the most drastic change.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 14:23:44 +0000

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