Thanks going out to Blaire from Brooklyn for sharing his truly - TopicsExpress


Thanks going out to Blaire from Brooklyn for sharing his truly EPIC story of triumph. After feeling sick for years, he tells us how both a helpful google search and EPIC came to his rescue. For the past three years I have been sick. For some reason, no matter what I did my stomach hurt and I had ZERO energy. Yes, I was paleo. I eventually gave up and said it must be in my head. it doesnt matter what I eat, I feel like $#!% Cue 6 month bread binge, 20 lbs. and some serious depression. Not so long ago, I woke up and ate some cashews. Within 30 minutes all my energy was vacuumed out of me and my stomach ballooned a couple sizes. I was fed up. I decided to do the same google search I was doing pre-binge: bloated after eating. This time, I got different results. FODMAPS. It all made sense to me and I WASNT CRAZY. I took the fodmaps-paleo plunge and IMMEDIATELY felt better. I was so happy I cried. A few times. The only thing was that I was pretty restricted. Whos not restricted these days, nah mean? But really--no garlic and onion?! Nothing tasted good. Then I saw one of your bars in Whole Foods and double fist-pumped. Like, you angelic beings have saved me. SERIOUSLY. THEY ARE SO GOOD. AND FODMAPS IS NOW A SINCH. So, from the bottom of my heart to yours, THANK YOU. B No, thank you Blaire! Wishing you all the best. ~Team EPIC
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:38:02 +0000

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