Thanks to Kristy of Kristy Barker Photography, I have just got the - TopicsExpress


Thanks to Kristy of Kristy Barker Photography, I have just got the last piece of the puzzle to put together another round of rankings. As always Ive tweaked the weights in the algorithm to best fit the data, so even teams who havent played since the last round will have moved slightly in some cases: 1 792 Richter City 2 783 Pirate City 3 738 Dead End 4 715 Swamp City 5 710 Whakatane 6 699 Dunedin 7 694 RCRD: Convicts 8 682 K-Town 9 675 Auckland 10 675 Hellmilton 11 673 Bay City 12 667 Sirens 13 656 DED: Living Dead 14 653 Mount Militia 15 648 Northland Nightmares 16 630 Taranaki 17 624 SCRR: Poison Ivies 18 614 Whenua Fatales 19 612 BoomTown 20 604 Otautahi 21 601 Sulphur City 22 590 River City 23 588 BCR: Twisted Sisters 24 578 DD: Bonnie Brawlers 25 507 Hawkes Bay As promised, Sulphur City Steam Rollers make the list for the first time, rather lower than I expected as a result of two heavy defeats over the weekend. Based on their first three results, I suspect they are now rather under-rated and will climb back up a few places over their next few games. Similarly Mount Militia Derby Crew have taken a tumble due to their own loss against Whakatāne Roller Derby League, who in turn have shot back up to number 5, a position they last occupied this time last year, just before Derby Royale 2013. Maybe WRDL peak at this time of year? Auckland Roller Derby League (ARDL) have also taken another hit as a result of their heavy loss to new table leaders Richter City Roller Derby. Given that their previous result, against last weekends powerhouse team WRDL, saw little change to their rating, this may be an indication that RCRD have got stronger rather than that ARDL are still falling. They may be due for an upward correction. Whether RCRD and WRDL will be able to maintain their new positions will depend on the reasons for the weekends unusually decisive results. If they indicate that the winning teams have been learning some new tricks, the ratings will hold up. On the other hand, if the results were due to their opposition losing a step, or were just freak results due to things all coming together on the day, these two teams may now be over-rated. So what do you think? Have RCRD and WRDL got the chops to defend their new rankings, or are they now prime targets for a rankings-points raid (bearing in mind that win or lose, you take rankings points off your opposition if you do better than the algorithm predicts and vice versa)?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:04:52 +0000

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