Thanks to Ms Lim’s revelation of AHPETC’s true motive, - TopicsExpress


Thanks to Ms Lim’s revelation of AHPETC’s true motive, AHPETC’s trade fairs are about money. It has little to do with benefiting residents and businesses. It is now of utmost public interest for AHPETC to disclose how much money it has generated from trade fairs held on common property, the number of trade fairs and the duration of each since it has been in charge. If it is for the benefits for the businesses, why did Sylvia refuse to seek the businesses’ consensus which is a prerequisite to apply for a trade fair permit? In fact, AHPETC organised many trade fairs after it took office, almost every week since April 2013. It was not hampered at all. At first, Hougang HDB shopkeepers were friendly and tolerated. As the trade fairs became more frequent and longer,their businesses were affected. They became unhappy. When the shopkeepers complained, AHPETC staff called the police. The issue was reported by the press.[2] AHPETC’s gravy train was derailed. [1] AHPETC has cynically disregarded our laws and disrespected civil servants doing their duty. In chasing easy money, AHPETC trade fairs have hurt shopkeepers in Hougang. Based on AHPETC’s poor financial management, it appears that every two Aljunied households are paying for one other. Is there a shortfall of funds available to maintain the estate? Can Aljunied residents say the standard of cleanliness is as good as before? In playing the “victim card”, Ms Lim has deviously failed to reveal that the CCC had given its support to the AHPETC trade fair in question. Yet AHPETC chose not to submit the application so that it could contest its case in court. Why? [1] Victor Lye: TRADE FAIRS, GREED & AHPETC’S REAL MOTIVE https://facebook/notes/victor-lye-thiam-fatt-%E8%B5%96%E6%B7%BB%E5%8F%91/trade-fairs-greed-ahpetcs-real-motive/341344442716566 [2] Hougang Central Shopkeepers petition AHPeTC. AHPeTC call police:
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 13:57:14 +0000

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