Thanks to everyone who has registered for the launch of Meet Your - TopicsExpress


Thanks to everyone who has registered for the launch of Meet Your Genius 2 Day workshops in South Africa. Over 400 people have already registered in less than 48 hours so far so please make sure you register using the official link below to secure your place. No doubt the event is selling out fast so if you do want to attend then make sure you book now using this link: secretstonaturalsuccess/sa PS: If you want to attend the London event presented by my mentor William Whitecloud, then visit this link: secretstonaturalsuccess/sa If you want to know more about Meet Your Genius 2 Day training, then please read this thoroughly... You have unique gifts and talents that when unleashed will create success for you effortlessly. This we call, your Genius. Leading up until the Roman times, Genius was used to describe that part of you where you intuitively knew what your purpose was and what you needed to do create the best life you possibly can. It is only in our modern times that Genius is used to describe someone who has a high IQ. Which also clearly demonstrates the biggest problem we have today. The problem is that you have been educated and schooled to follow OTHER PEOPLES RULES, SYSTEMS and THEORIES. To put it simply, you have stopped trusting your natural ability and intuition (which is your natural compass). “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ― Albert Einstein “Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ― Steve Jobs Meet Your Genius is a 2 day training where you will discover your unique talents and how to bring them into your life effortlessly. This what you will get from attending Meet Your Genius: - 5 Proven steps to Creating Success in your Life Effortlessly - Where your Beliefs come from that Create your Unwanted Reality - How to Effortlessly Raise your Levels of Consciousness (Level of Thinking) - 3 Steps to Developing Higher Awareness and Intuition - How to Get Rid of Sabotaging and Dysfunctional Patterns - The Secret Weapon of Creativity to Building Massive Momentum - How to Create Wealth doing what you Love - Discover the 12 blocks that are stopping your Genius from Manifesting Tickets to this live 2-day training are R1997, but…As a SPECIAL OFFER you can register for FREE by clicking below on the link below: secretstonaturalsuccess/sa PLUS, when you register you will receive these 3 additional bonuses: BONUS #1 - 90 Minute Session on Sunday during Extended Lunch BONUS #2 - Exclusive Access To The International Natural Success Community invite-only Facebook Group where you can interact with like minded people from around the world BONUS #3 - Monthly Webinars Hosted by Worldwide Natural Success Coaches and Facilitators. After working with 1000s of people in 4 different countries helping them create what is most important to them in their lives, we have identified the 15 biggest problems that stop us from living powerful lives through our unique Genius. If can you related to one or more of these then you will struggle to get what want, which will ultimately lead to failure and regret in your life. 1. You Believe your Thoughts and Feelings Are Real 2. You use Logic, Knowledge and Experience First to make your Decisions 3. You Dont Trust your Intuiton or even know how too 4. There are times when you arent 100% Confident that you are heading the right direction which means you are not following your True Purpose 5. You Waste your Time and Money trying to Solving Problems as a Priority 6. You Dont go for what you Love, dont even know what you Love or dont believe that you can have what you Love 7. You are Focusing on the Wrong End Results and Goals 8. You listen to Other Peoples (family, friends, collegues, life coaches or gurus) Advice because you Dont Trust that you have the Answers 9. You Compromise and are willing to Sacrifice 10. You Settle for Less and Accept Mediocrity 11. You only do what you think is Possible based on your Capabilities and Skillsets 12. You make Decisons Limited by how much Money and Time you have (or havent got) 13. You Focus on Making Money First above all else 14. Your life is all about Creating Financial Independence 15. You believe you need to be Transformed through Personal Development And there are lots more that you may not even be aware of... So register for FREE by clicking below on the link below: secretstonaturalsuccess/sa And we look forward to meeting your Genius... Ryan Pinnick Natural Success International About the Presenter Ryan Pinnick: Ryan Pinnick is the CEO of Natural Success International, a training company teaching people to unleash their Genius in the UK, South Africa, Australia and USA. He is also the Co-Founder of Inspire South Africa which was created to inspire and empower South Africans to create positive change. Ryan invests in property and has a port folio in the UK and the USA. Ryan was born in Cape Town and after getting his Electrical Engineering degree, moved to London to work in the corporate world. Despite being very successful he found his job very unfulfilling and started attending personal development and wealth creation seminars. Two years later Ryan left his job to start his first business investing in property and within 6 months had acquired over £1.3M worth of residential property in the UK. As a result of his success he was invited to become a trainer and speaker for Rich Dad Education where he taught thousands of people across the UK how to start and run successful businesses and how to invest in property around the world. Ryan’s passion in personal development lead him to working and sharing the stage with some of the world’s greatest teachers. He has delivered hundreds of talks all around the world over the last 10 years. Ryan is incredibly passionate about South Africa and it’s people and so in September 2012 he move back home to Cape Town in September 2012 bringing the experience he gained to teach Natural Success to as many people in South Africa as possible. Some of Ryan’s other achievements include getting a black belt in Martial Arts before being a teenager, performing around London’s Stand Up Comedy Circuit and DJ-ing Internationally in the UK and Ibiza. Natural Success International
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:17:34 +0000

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