Thanks to my lovely sister in law Sophia Turner I get to list 19 - TopicsExpress


Thanks to my lovely sister in law Sophia Turner I get to list 19 things...fml. These are not in any order. And I will only give you a number to do your own list if you ask for it. So feel free to like without being obligated. 1) I am obsessed with football. Its by far my favorite sport. Bucs fan forever. 2) I am a very loyal person to those close to me. 3) I cant stand to dress up. I would wear a hoodie and sweat pants in winter or an old navy plain t shirt and bball shorts in the summer everyday if I could. 4) I have a trash OCD where there cant be trash in any trash can in any room other than the main one in the kitchen. My wife thinks Im a bit crazy. 5) I really enjoy my job at KIMCO. I enjoy what I do. Which is kind of hard to find nowadays. 6) I have to take a shower each day. It doesnt have to be at a certain time. I just have to take one. 7) I want to eventually have a house in the country. With woods to hunt. And a lot of acreage for myself, my wife, and future children to roam. 8) I do laundry on a daily basis. 9) I cant wait to have a big Labrador once we move to the country. 10) This may sound mushy but my favorite thing is the world is falling asleep each night next to Jessica Taylor and the goodnight kiss that also comes with it. She is my rock, my partner, and my best friend. 11) I really enjoy manual labor and I am constantly busy. I think my back and body will hate me as I age. 12) I like to gamble. On anything and everything. Not large amounts of money. But it keeps things interesting. Most I have ever won at one time was 5k. 13) I eat like I am starving. Extremely fast and extremely large amounts. 14) I have been told I am a button pusher and an instigator. I dont deny it. I am def do. Hannah Bugle can vouch :) 15) I love buying gifts for people much more than receiving. I also struggle to spend money on myself. 16) I cant/dont watch scary movies. At all. They creep me out badly. 17) I love fires. I am prolly a pyromaniac. Any chance/excuse I get to light a fire, I jump on it. 18) I mow my yard usually twice a week. I like a short well kept yard. And it relaxes me. 19) Finally the last one, never thought I would get here. I like to cook and grill. I am beginning to work on the art of baking. If you actually made it this far Ill throw out a bonus...I believe facial hair is a must. Beards for life.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:49:31 +0000

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