Thanks to real warriors of courage The real warriors, in my - TopicsExpress


Thanks to real warriors of courage The real warriors, in my opinion, don’t get any press, red-carpet, huge contracts, or even acknowledged in many cases. Most probably don’t want to be, but I can’t let it slide in a month of acknowledgement and gratitude. Not that we need a month designated to give thanks, we’re wise to give gratefulness daily, but this month is a specific time of thankfulness and appreciation. Society gives so much recognition and status to athletes, movie and music stars, money, how one is dressed on the red carpet, etc; all of this fades and is quickly replaced. The worthy and deserving people in my world are cancer victims, survivors and their families. We have all been touched by cancer one way or another. Cancer patients and their families posses and demonstrate might and stamina that truly positions me in awe. Talk about being tested. I cannot think of a more rigorous trial than battling or a loved one fighting cancer. I believe cancer quickly helps us lay trivial matters to rest. We promptly are faced with how fast life goes and changes. What is so admirable about these people is their perspective in the face of a real challenge, a legitimate hardship. What a learning experience for all of us. As normal human beings, we complain, are negative, dramatize, and seek attention with the “crumbs” in our life, while those carrying a heavy and true adversity remain optimistic and grateful. Something is not right here. Maybe we would be better to apply their bravery and faith into our own life. We waste so much time and exertion on insignificant issue and topics. We’re so offended by nonsense, as if this is our world and we will reign for eternity. In perspective, our life is a stone in a large body of water. How much we contribute, affect and change people lives for the better, will dictate the size of our circular ripple as we’re cast into the body of water. Life continues with or without us. The hope and aim is to make a positive difference in people’s lives that carries on. I don’t care how many chalked lines you cross while carrying a piece of leather or how many spheres of pelt you swished through a net. Good God! Ohhh! Maybe I better not say “God” or someone will be insulted. I’m insulted! So who has the right of way? I’m not giving up my right of way. I’m a Christian and I celebrate Christmas and God is the principal of my school. Make no mistake about it; life is swift. Craft your existence to count. Figure-out your purpose and pursue; waiting is an error. Don’t run out of time to assist or forgive someone, yourself, or tell others you love them. Don’t be a fool holding petty grudges that the little me, me, me inside all of us cannot seem to let go of. Make peace and appreciate your brief time. Whatever you’re currently distressed over, is it really a big deal? Does it really matter if someone mentions God or Christmas? By the way, who do you pray to when your plane is going down? People search to be offended. Give me a fracture! Everyone’s complaining about discrimination or some type of injustice; One of our first memory commitments to life should be-life is not going to be fair! And btw, no one suffers like the short man. I’m constantly ridiculed, in danger of being stoned, chased, and threatened. There have been several attempts of others trying to crush me with giant rocks. There is even a song that say’s “Short people got no reason to live. No reason to live!!! I’m all for fighting for what you believe in, but some of our battles are completely doltish. This whole drama thing is pure pride and self-absorption. Most people hate drama in others, but blind to their own stage show. Refrain from fussing with the crumbs of your life. Focus on your purpose, the people important to you and helping others. Im not a sports fan, dont know whos popular and dont care. Although I respect athletic effort, discipline, desire and many are incredible warriors, Ive just never been a sports admirer outside of wrestling, with the exception of Muhammad Ali. I would much rather sit down with Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Eric Clapton, Robert Cray, Johnny Hiland, Tommy Emmanuel, Eric Gales, John Mayer, Larry McCray, Orison Swett Marden, Ratboy, Terri Redlin, Andy Griffith, Jesus, Mother Teresa, or Clint Eastwood, etc. My icons are simple people like Tim Ascherl who demonstrate true strength and perseverance. We need more support for missing and abused children, the bullied, starving, poor, disabled, ill and their families, school teachers who are underpaid, hands are tied, and often at the mercy of punks. What about the police? They’re underpaid in a dangerous profession and often the criminal has more rights than they do. Now, back in the day, I had my head slammed as a cop pressured me into the back seat. Opps! Sorry about that! As he forced my head into the metal, but I deserved it. We have almost no common sense in our government and laws on every level. How about our military past and present? Our veterans should be celebrated, respected, and taking care of. They have defended served us; they deserve appreciation in actions and words. Sometimes our military are attacked by American citizens; this angers me. In my opinion, we, you, the Govt. owe our veterans. We take so much for granted and don’t seem to care unless we’re affected Lastly, let’s take better care of the elderly. Society often acts like being mature is some type of defect. We need to pay attention and listen to people who know a lot more than we do. I don’t like the way many elderly seemed to get pushed to the side and out of the way like they’re an inconvenience; they’re not. You punk kids better pray to whomever you pray to that you live to be old. Growing mature is a gift. We all could and can improve on helping and thanking others. One day we will also need assistance. If we only get back what we have given, how does it look for you? The people and groups mentioned above are warrior worthy of respect, acknowledgement, honor, admiration, and appreciation. They are the truly courageous, taking for granted and underappreciated.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 01:53:11 +0000

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