Thanks to the numerous distractions available around us, our - TopicsExpress


Thanks to the numerous distractions available around us, our attention span has become lower than that of a child and we tend to jump to conclusions based on what others perceive before letting the thoughts take their own course in our minds to finally give rise to our own OPINIONS, governed by our rational understanding. I had been reading about how people had been mentioning that PK had been copied from OMG Oh My God and was a rip off. Rather than focussing on how well the movie managed to communicate its idea, a few sections were keen to write it off as an unoriginal piece of work. I happened to watch PK a couple of days back. I realised how we have lost our ability to question popular perception (be it religious views or general opinion) without questioning it at all. Some people seem to have taken the phrase curiosity kills way too literally and decided to boycott it completely. In OMG, the protagonist was an atheist who questioned the existences of any kind of God and went about making life miserable for his so called managers on earth who were making a business in his name. It is only in the end he accepts the existence of God. In PK, the protagonist never questions the existence of God and in fact goes about practicing what every religion has to offer to be able to meet Bhagwan/Allah,Jesus etc and get his remote back. He mentions in the end that there are two kinds of Gods - The first is the supreme creator of this Universe, who doesnt need any Tom, Dick and Harry, stationed in one of the roads of a small area of a pea sized planet, protecting him from the evils of the world. The second is the man made God, created in the form of idols and stones, that can be used to run a well oiled business that dwells on peoples fear. Theres no denying that the final theme of the movies are same, which is to bring home the point that what is being practiced in the name of religion currently is not something that will take us closer to our Gods but good deeds and helping the needy will. But the way that thought has been communicated is completely different. Some sections of people, in their blind thirst to simply rubbish someones work as plagiarised, have failed to observe that. Just because a DDLJ was made doesnt mean that all eloping love stories are copied from it, Just because Dil Chahta Hain was made doesnt mean that all stories about 3 friends discovering themselves through the complications of love is copied from it, And just because OMG was made, doesnt mean that PK is its rip-off. Lets appreciate what PK has managed to do which OMG could not. OMGs audience was limited because of its reach, but the star power of Aamir Khan-Raju Hirani combine have ensured that the message has now reached to the largest possible audience.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:45:00 +0000

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