Thanksgiving Message from Political Prisoner Terry - TopicsExpress


Thanksgiving Message from Political Prisoner Terry Tremaine October 13, 2014. I was about to have Thanksgivcing supper with family, when I took a collect call from one of our men behind the wire. Political prisoner Terry Tremaine is in his last week inside on a civil contempt sentence. He had already removed the passages from his website National Socialist Party of Canada and from Stormfront ordered by Federal Court. Despite having purged his contempt against a law already repealed by Parliament, Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, Mr. Tremaine was sentenced by a vindictive federal Court Judge Sean Herrington to a month in prison. This judgement was upheld by the Federal Court of Appeals in a September 10 decision. Mr. Tremaine comments: The food is okay but there is never enough. He also wonders at the cost of his incarceration to the Canadian taxpayer. Wouldnt 30 days of some form of house arrest and an ankle bracelet have made more sense? However, as in the old Soviet Union, political prisoners -- those who dissent against the dominant ideology -- are treated far moer harshly than violent criminals. Commit unspeakable violence and mayhem and Canadas cultural Marxist justice system cant turn you loose on society fast enough. Consider the Chinese cannibal Vincent Wei Guang Li who sliced the head off fellow bus passenger Tim McLean, a complete stranger, and then proceeded to eat his eyes and slice off parts of his face for further feeding, all while the RCMP stood idle outside the abandoned bus. After less than four years of mental therapy, having been found not guilty by reason of mental defect, Lithe cannibal has all been returned to Manitoba society with very few restrictions. -- Paul Fromm
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:55:44 +0000

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