Thanksgiving Story Time! Not long after my husband and I bought - TopicsExpress


Thanksgiving Story Time! Not long after my husband and I bought our first house, before we had the boys, I decided to host Thanksgiving for both our families. I can cook and I do cook, some say rather well, but I dont love to cook. My mother on the other hand did! So she came up a day early to help me get ready (as in spending the entire day cooking). So Wednesday we baked pies, cheesecake, cookies and such. Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, my mom gets up early to put the turkey in the oven only to find that the oven doesnt work!! Apparently a mouse had crawled behind the stove and gotten electrocuted and killed not only itself but our stove! So I say, ok lets just go out to eat - me being the one who does not love to cook. But I was vetoed by my mom and my husband. My husband calls around to see if he can find a store open that sells stoves - of course these were the good old days when stores let their employees enjoy Thanksgiving too, so no, no stores were open. Again I suggest going out. Again I am vetoed. We then call all the grocery stores to see if any of then still have complete turkey dinners available. They did but those premade dinners are cold. You have to heat them up in, you guessed it, your oven! Go out to eat? No!! My mother gets hold of Thriftway tells them our story and they agree to heat the dinner for us! Yay! Thanksgiving is saved!! The End - nope! I still have an entire raw turkey in my refrigerator. Black Friday in the midst of all the crazy shoppers we are shopping for stoves. By the time we purchase it, get it home and installed its early evening but I need to cook the turkey. So I put it in the new oven and set the timer. Itll be done around 1 am. Great. I get up at 1 am go downstairs to check it. Its not done. I reset the timer, go back to bed. Get up at 2 am to find that when I turned the timer off it also turned off the oven! I turn the oven back on, reset the timer and go back to bed. 3 am I get up to check the turkey (which I now hate with a vengeance by the way) and it is finally finished! I go to get it out of the oven but I used an aluminum foil pan so it bends in the middle spilling hot turkey juice all over the place! My feet go flying out from under me as the turkey also is airborne!! I land on the floor, turkey lands on the oven door, greasy turkey juice lands everywhere else! I returned that stove, greasy mess and all and I did not eat any of the turkey! Now we eat at my brothers :) Heres hoping your Thanksgiving goes by disaster free! (Feel free to share your own Thanksgiving stories below!)
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:45:39 +0000

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