Thanksgiving, the day to be thankful. I am thankful that I have - TopicsExpress


Thanksgiving, the day to be thankful. I am thankful that I have the ability to choose to be happy NOW, not IF or WHEN. I am thankful that I can push hate from my heart and bite my tongue when saying how I feel would only serve to stir the pot. That my children grow and are healthy and happy (even when they dont listen, I am thankful they are capable of hearing and being heard) and grow in a home free of anger and with parents that have love, trust, and respect enough to speak their mind without violence. (Phillip) For friends that accept me as is, at face value and dont play games. That distance in miles does not equal distance in heart. (Amber) For Alanas unfailing heart and the feast I am to share in with her today. For Kyle, who is more family than blood, who never fails to show up for the good and bad. For Mike, the greatest friend I never expected to find. For the ability to fix things which are broken, if everyone is willing to work hard enough. For keeping hope that even when its not enough it will still work out. For a comfortable bed to snuggle in. For the ability to look in the mirror and see things I love about myself. For Google, and the desire to always learn more. For perfume that makes me happy and my hair straightener that makes me feel like a person rather than a poodle. For Paul and Desiree and our mutual retail cynicism and the texts that make me laugh. For good surprises. For people I wish I could see more but love nonetheless (Michelle) For people that listen and give compassion without trying to problem solve (Umby) Fire cake that is not pudding. For perspective. For everyone that made it to the end.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:43:45 +0000

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