Thanx Annette ! STOP & LOOK AROUND YOU OCCASIONALLY ! Yes - TopicsExpress


Thanx Annette ! STOP & LOOK AROUND YOU OCCASIONALLY ! Yes sometimes we become so blinkered in our effort 2 reach the finish line or attain our long term goal we fail 2 appreciate how far we have come & how much things have changed! Our gains can be SO SLOW we feel we are getting nowhere.Or if our intention is to get 7 lbs of muscle on or another inch on our arms or 2 inches on our legs or drop another stone of bodyfat, we fail 2 be proud of what we have achieved so far and how much we have improved for the better either physically mentally or emotionally. Sometimes it is not until we see someone who hasnt seen us for 6-12 months that when we see the SURPRISE or SHOCK on their faces and we hear their GASP of astoundment in how different we are or look that we then realise things have changed 4 us. Life is short so take time 2 ENJOY IT & LOOK AROUND U FROM TIME TO TIME 2 APPRECIATE WHERE YOU ARE & HOW FAR U HAV COME ALREADY NOT JUST HOW FAR U HAVE STILL 2 GO ! Yes u can see on your journey that u have set urself u are still not quite there yet but like a story there is a beginning a middle and an end ! If u hav started ur journey u have not finished it but u are on it & u r in the middle of the story where all the INTERESTING & EXCITING BITS happen dont fail 2 soak lifes experiences up BLINDLY FOCUSED ON FINISHING ! OFTEN THE END CAN BE AN ANTI CLIMAX ! How often have u read a book or watched a film thoroughly enjoying it until the end then u feel let down as it is not what u had hoped 4 & u feel DISAPPOINTED by it ! Dont allow ur life 2b like this as U only have 1 ENJOY the GOOD times BE STRONG through the BAD times but enjoy the ride as u only get 1 turn at it ! SAVOUR EVERY MOMENT ! AND HAVE NO REGRETS !
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 15:41:02 +0000

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