Thar she blows! Had the most amazing weekend in Monterey. - TopicsExpress


Thar she blows! Had the most amazing weekend in Monterey. Yesterday hung out in Carmel and Monterey. Spent time from the morning to early after noon in all the interesting boutiques in Carmel and art galleries. Had a delightful time walking on the beautiful beach and enjoyed the magnificent view. Thereafter, I went to Monterey and had a nice stroll through fishermans wharf and sampled an assortment of clam chowder. Eventually I even had some delicious and fresh raw oysters. It was so good and refreshing. The Monterey whale watch tours piqued my attention so I dropped by to check it out. Unfortunately they were sold out but stated that I can come by tomorrow and maybe go on standby. I woke up early today and did my morning meditation as usual in preparation for possibly being able to whale watch. I went to the tour early in the morning and inquired about any cancellations so my twin flame and I could join the tour. Unfortunately, it was still sold out. I prayed in the am that we would be able to join the tour and have an amazing experience. I waited and waited as I watch drones of people come in and check in. Finally at 9:00 am when the tour was suppose to start, there was a twist of fate, a last minute cancellation just happened. I guess the universe heard my prayer and felt it was beneficial for my higher self to be on that cruise. I was so delighted by this and knew that something wonderful was in stored and what transpired next was the most beautiful experience I have ever had in the ocean. We set sail with the team of experts from the Monterey Bay Whale watch tours. I wanted this one because they had Marine biologist on their tours. Apparenty, their Marine Biologist had been featured in the Discovery channel and National Geographic. We saw many of the usual animals in the bay including sea otters, seals, sea lions, pelicans, and various species of seaguls as we departed the wharf at depth of about 200 feet. As we approached the deep sea canyon of a depth of over 2- 3000 feet, we began to see some rare water mammals. We saw a pod of Risso Dolphins. They were so beautiful and in such close proximity. Apparently these dolphins are usually found only in deep oceans. There were lighter ones and darker ones. These species are darker when they are young. They feed on Squids but many times they get scarred from the squids barbs and their color starts to become white from all the scars. Hence, we can tell the age of the dophin from the color. We all got really exited early on as we spotted a high spout a little distance away. It was about 20 to 30 feet in height. The higher the spout, the larger the whale. It was estimated that this spout was from the Blue Whale, the largest whale and mammal in the world. They can get up to 100 or more feet long and weigh over 220 thousand pounds. Their heart is a size of a Volkswagen and their arteries are large enough for a small child to crawl through. Apparently, they are quite evasive and not always visible. The Marine intern on the ship had not seen one before even though she had been our on various excursions. Unfortunately, we lost it. Eventually we went over the ocean canyon as we headed towards Moss Landing and witnessed our first sightings of Humpback whales. There was a pair. They were so beautiful and graceful. Eventually we headed out further then witnessed many more humpbacks and seem to be surrounded by a small pod of whales. It was just amazing. We had the beautiful and rare chance to see two humpbacks sleeping ( logging as the Biologist calls it) at the surface but after a while they noticed us and began to swim away. We also saw 2 dolphins doing the same. They apparently sleep with 1/2 a brain while the other is kinda awake and monitoring with what was going on. We were so fortunate to see dive after dive of whales and see their beautiful flukes. Finally, we started heading back after a couple of hours of whale watching but the captain wanted to try one more time to find the elusive blue whale. I desperately wanted to see it especially since it was so rare to see it. I had seen many Humpbacks and Minke whales in Hawaii and Boston, respectively but never this gigantic and spectacular Divine mammal. It is bigger than the big and giant Sperm whale that Herman Melville wrote about in Moby Dick. I had always been fascinated by whales since I watched the movie, Moby Dick starring the great Gregory Peck. Incidentally, the book is really about a person living with passion with what they enjoy doing. It look like the trip was going to come to a close as the Marine biologist, Greg came down and talked about whales and the elusive Blue whale. Then in the corner of my eye, I spotted a huge spout of water at 10:00. I was situated at the bow like Leonardo Dicaprio in Titanic. Thar she blows!!!!!! The ship started to head to this wonderful whale. Alas, it had awaited us to feast our eyes in all its splendor. It was huge, beautiful, graceful and Divine. It was an amazing sight. Pictures would do it no justice. Sometimes we just have to experience the beauty and moment with our eyes and lock it in as a sweet and memorable Divine experience. It was about 20 to 30 feet long and probably the size of our ship. It had such a beautiful, shimmering and glistening skin. Words cant describe how beautiful it was. After a while it dove down to feed. As it dove, we could see the small dorsal fin characteristic of this majestic and beautiful creature. About 6 to 8 minutes later it resurfaced to greet us one again. We were all just mesmerized and dumbfounded by this experience. I was just glad and grateful God had given us all an amazing experience with one of his greatest and colossal creations. Throughout the excursion, I had a wonderful and delightful conversation with the various Marine Biologists. I think they found me quite entertaining with my host of questions and fascination with marine aquatics. LOL! I think at the end of the trip they ordained me to be an honorary Marine Biologist. LOL! As we headed back to shore, I spent much time chatting with the Marine Biologist intern. She apparently recently graduated from OSU, Oregon State University. We had such a wonderful and fascinating chat about Whales, Killer Whales and Oregon. We told her how proud we were of her and her knowledge and she was just tickled to hear that. Finally on our way back, we were greeted by another pod of dolphins. This time we saw some babies swimming with their moms. It was just incredible how close they were. The ship naturally slowed down to allow this rare and special moment to see these Risso Dolphins. It was agreed by all of us this was truly an amazing ocean excursion. It will burn a beautiful memory in my mind forever. Take time to be one with nature for it is truly Divine.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:13:03 +0000

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