That Better Choice BJFerguson So many worlds collide inside - TopicsExpress


That Better Choice BJFerguson So many worlds collide inside the precept of a single, shared moment, and yet, we are ever divergent, in thought, word, and deed. When one considers the length and breadth of our most common differences, we are barely able to comprehend our ability to communicate, yet eons of light and sound echo, all around us. What is the truth about such mystery? Where is the proof of our natural beginning? Is it found within our soul? Or is our truth staring back at us, from the bits of DNA that comprise our very form? Depending upon the person, the answer varies, greatly….and yet, we can agree upon this….we all seek the discernment of our own mortality, hoping to find a loophole of exemption, while secretly understanding, there simply isn’t one. When it comes to the life we possess, the options abound. There are countless ways to live, think and make your way, in this world. We can use intellect or reaction, consideration or callous indifference, and sometimes, we even opt for a sampling, from all schools of thought. But, whether or not you perceive it, we all make that specific choice….we stand up for the person who answers to our name and say, “THIS is who I am.” Whether or not you believe yourself capable of such a statement, matters not, as who you are, will nonetheless be evident, before long…. good, bad, or indifferent; which is exactly why we should never allow anyone else to make that choice, for us. Those of us who possess the superiority of higher thinking and communication, believe ourselves to be sitting atop the evolutionary pyramid, of this world. Yet, seldom do we take seriously, our obligation, stemming from such a lofty perch. The condition of this world is our responsibility, yet we abuse it, shamelessly, carelessly, and with selfish disdain for all who would come after our own departure. These are the choices we make…choices of greed and deceit, of total disregard for the sanctity of all those eons of light and sound, echoing all around us. We make them consciously and collectively, and for this, hear my words, there can never be forgiveness. Just as our own mortality has no loophole of exemption, neither does the inevitability of our planet’s total demise, brought about by our own hands. Perhaps it is too late, even as we rise and greet another morning. Perhaps we have so rampaged and trampled the true value of this world, in our search for all that has become so highly valued, IN this world, that there is no chance to reverse or even retard, any of the destruction we’ve wrought. Perhaps we are living in a dying world, one gasping to continue, struggling desperately, to survive. There is evidence to suggest we have done too much harm, to hope for anything less than a total annihilation of everything we recognize as natural and life-sustaining. And if that’s true, we all will weep the tears of the abandoned, soon enough, experiencing a hopelessness, like none we’ve ever before known. But….what if it’s NOT too late? If, instead, we are, right here, right now, possibly standing upon that threshold of the point of no return, tenuously poised upon the crossroads of eminent disaster and hopeful reprieve, don’t we owe it to the world and the countless future lives, beyond our very own, to, at the very least, try to make the better choice? Certainly, from so high a perch, as the Top Of The Food Chain, our unobstructed view affords us the luxury of seeing into the future, thus allowing us to see, clearly, what we can do, what we MUST do, to restore that glimmer of hope, to the lives beyond our own. Even in our most divergent moments, we all can surely agree upon this one thought…..Once we have destroyed this world, there will be no doubt about our own mortality, as well as the mortality of every other life-form, on Earth….there will also, be no possible way to avoid it. Make that better choice that helps to make that better life, for all. Stand proudly, and make yourself known as someone who highly regards the world, in which we all exist, knowing there shall be no possible existence, tomorrow, for anyone or anything, if we refuse to act, today. If this collective, to which we all belong, consciously opts for the initiatives of positive change, then we all can be seen as the superior beings, we’ve so-long believed ourselves to be. And, in the end, doesn’t this world, which has given us so very much, already, finally deserve a little kindness and consideration, in return? (In case you’re wondering, the answer is, “Yes; yes it does.”)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:11:13 +0000

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