That Negro boy of a slum in America was teased by the white boys - TopicsExpress


That Negro boy of a slum in America was teased by the white boys of that school targeting his color and appearance. After some time when it became intolerable he started crying for the humiliation and even ran to his mother to complain. When the same insult was given to a different Negro boy on a different day with different mental and physical makeup he was also tolerating for some time only and when the breaking point came he started furiously attacking them that they had to run for their life. In INDIA the so called “untouchables”, STs, SCs were similarly tolerating the injustice by the society for centuries when again great leaders like AMBEDKAR, MAHATHMA GHANDHI, and SUBRAMANIA BHARATHIAR entered the scene to strive for restoring justice and equality to all. The term TOLERANCE is a tricky word. Some times we have to tolerate mismanagement, nature’s fury, chaos in traffic, provocative statements by leaders, friends and also relatives. During those times we are maintaining tolerance not because it is a virtue but nothing could be done otherwise. In the initial stages we observe patience hoping for improvement and change of attitudes, opinion of people and also environment. But when the improvement is not in sight we react by words and actions. It holds good also for a NATION as the history will reveal the back ground of French Revolution, the so called SEPOY MUTINY which was actually the seed of the great freedom struggle of India and recently the demotion of monarchy in NEPAL. So it is very clear that TOLERANCE is not always a virtue and the extreme tolerance may be termed as cowardice. Actually the term tolerance should not be termed as virtuous but neutral. It derives its value from what it is the person tolerates and the manner in which the tolerance or intolerance is expressed. The view that tolerance means accepting every one’s ideas and behaviors is impracticable in the real world. The HINDUISM teaches tolerant attitude to others only to a limited extent. The great battle between PANDAVAS and GAURAVAS at GURUKSHETRA in MAHABARATHA had to be fought only after stretching the limit of patience and tolerance hoping that good sense would prevail during the series of test for justice. It is typical of Indians to witness non chalantly wealthy people enjoying the luxuries of life in their vicinity even while they are struggling for 2 square meals. They take philosophically on the theory of fatalism that what all they are suffering in this present birth is entirely due to their misdeeds in their previous birth and those who are enjoying in spite of their involvement in crime, cheating, murder etc is because of their excellent deeds in their own previous birth. They not only tolerate such social injustices but try to continue as good citizens with strong belief that they are certain to enjoy life in a better manner at least in their next birth. Foreigner’s have acknowledged the yawning gap prevailing in India between haves and have- nots to such an extent that about 20 of the Indian citizens find their place amongst first 100 of wealthiest in the world even while deaths due to starvation are witnessed on the footpaths of metropolitan cities. TOLERANCE is personified amongst people when not getting the due wages, bonus, at their respective working places with complete exploitation of their philosophical believes. In most other countries they are intolerant to such an extent that they would loot the eateries and quench their appetitive rather than talk philosophy. Actually TOLERANCE should be referred as an attitude of openness and respect for the differences that exists among people. This also includes physical and intellectual disabilities and other differences too. Tolerance means respecting and learning from others, valuing differences, bridging cultural gaps and creating new bonds. Tolerance in many ways is opposite of prejudice. Does TOLERANCE mean that all behaviors have to be accepted? Certainly not. Behaviors that disrespect or hurt others, like being mean or bullying, or behavior that break social rules, like lying or stealing, should not be tolerated. Tolerance also means treating others the way you would like to be treated. How parents can teach tolerance? Parents can teach tolerance by example and in other ways too. Talking together about tolerance and respect helps kids learn more about values you want them to have. The term TOLERANCE is also widely used technically in ENGINEERING TOLERANCE while expressing the permissible limit of variation in physical dimension, safe physical distance or space as in a truck, train or boat under a bridge as well as train in a tunnel. Some more widely used terms are Drug tolerance, Food tolerance, Lactose intolerance, Aspirin intolerance, Cold intolerance. We are also aware of social, psychological, political, religious and ethnic intolerance. I must also thank the readers for the TOLERANCE shown by them in going through the above writing.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 06:25:29 +0000

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