That Was Then... There was a slow and steady rain falling when I - TopicsExpress


That Was Then... There was a slow and steady rain falling when I first came here to Kripalu a year ago. I shivered in the rain that day- though it wasnt particularly cold- and wished Id packed a raincoat, but my grief had been all that I could carry. Fitting it was then, that the fog rolled in off the mountains that day and wrapped me like a cloak, though somehow I never warmed. I had come to write about the year that had gone by without my Mom and to listen to wise words from my favorite author & memoirist Dani Shapiro. A year ago, through my tears, I could only whisper: I want to write. ...Today, a second year has passed without my Mom & I am here again at Kripalu. The sun shines brilliantly over the pines and shimmers off of the lake and it is warm when I turn my face to it and I smile. All seems possible now, at the foot of the mountains. The fog has cleared so instead of clouds, the mountains send breezes and dragonflies down from the hills. I listened to more wise words from my favorite author, Dani Shapiro and we wrote and we stretched into yoga poses that were new, but also as old as time. And though I came again without a raincoat, I came with new words that I am able to say, when a year ago I could only whisper these: I want to write. ...Today, I looked to the mountains and did not shiver and today I could say, I AM a writer. :)
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:50:57 +0000

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